Public Rights of Way in Doncaster

Within the City of Doncaster area there are some 494 kilometres (307 miles) of public footpaths, bridleways and byways on 612 separate routes, ranging in length from a few metres to over three kilometres (2 miles) and in character from completely urban to entirely rural.

Where can I go?

The Definitive Map is the legal record of public rights of way but is not intended for recreational use. If you wish to know where rights of way are for recreation, we recommend that you purchase an Ordnance Survey Explorer or Landranger series map. Alternatively, routes and land available for public use in the City of Doncaster may be viewed on the Walking Map.  Please note that the information displayed on the Walking Map cannot be used for legal purposes.

The Public Rights of Way Team can also offer advice and guidance on the use of other routes and areas of land to which the public have access, such as permissive paths or access land (designated land to which the Countryside and Rights of Way Act applies). 

 Public Rights of Way Registers 

 Proposed Map Changes

This is a list of legal orders that have been advertised but the legal process to finalise the changes is not complete. Proposed Map Changes

Confirmed Map Changes

This is a list of legal changes that have taken place since 2015. Confirmed Map Changes

Land Owner Declarations

Landowners can formally acknowledge public rights of way across land in their ownership and also indicate that they have no intention to dedicate any further routes in the future. Register of Land Owner Declarations

Claims to Recognise Public Rights of Way

Although many enquiries are received about possible changes to the Rights of Way network, a much smaller number are formally registered.

Formal registration means that an application has met the conditions required by Schedule 14 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. If you wish to make such a claim, please contact the Rights of Way section, who will explain what is required and supply the necessary documentation. In the first instance some evidence, such as old maps, photos or statements of use, must be provided by the claimant.

PROW_Sch14_Claims March 25
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A separate register is held of informal claims for new Rights of Way or amendments to existing Rights of Way. The quality of the claims varies widely. Some are backed by sufficient evidence that will probably lead to the recording of a new Public Right of Way whilst others will prove to be little more than a wish to be able to use a new route.
Full Claims Log 20 12 23-1
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Last updated: 07 March 2025 09:43:57

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