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Public Rights of Way - Temporary Closures
From time to time it is necessary to temporary close a public right of way in the interest of safety for users. Details of temporary closures are shown below.
Current and planned temporary public rights of way closures
Bridge crossing River Dearne between Harlington and Mexborough
The bridge carrying public footpath number 6 Barnburgh that crosses the River Dearne has been severely damaged by a fire. It poses a danger to the public and therefore has been temporarily closed. At this moment in time it is not known how long the closure will be in place for.
Public Byway Number 8 Cantley
The level crossing known as Bessacarr Holt has been closed because Network Rail are concerned that public safety is at risk due to issues with the public ignoring the lighting system and crossing in front of trains. The alternative route is via Warren Lane Bridge.
- Bessacarr Lane Railway Crossing Alternative rotues
- Download (200KB - PDF)
Public Footpath Marshgate
The footbridge over the River Cheswold, between Marshgate and the Prison, has been temporarily closed to the public because it is in a dangerous condition. An alternative route between Marshgate and Newton is via the footpath along the old course of the River Don between St Mary's Bridge and the canal.
- Cheswold Bridge
- Download (1.09MB - PDF)
Public Footpath Number 19 Bentley with Arksey
Public footpath number 19 Bentley with Arksey, also known as Bentley Common Lane, is temporarily closed to allow for a new rising main to be installed. There is no alternative route.
- BE19 Temp Closure Plan
- Download (1.02MB - PDF)
Public Footpath Number 2 Austerfield
The public footpath through the Golf Course is closed to allow the development of the Golf Course to progress. The alternative route is along bridleway number 3 Austerfield then along the footway adjacent to the A614 Bawtry Road andviceversa.
- AF2 Closure Plan and Alternative Route
- Download (416KB - PDF)
Public Bridleway Number 18 and Number 20 Doncaster, Rose Hill
Public bridleway numbers 18 & 20 Doncaster, off Rose Hill Rise and The Avenue, have been temporarily closed to allow the construction of a residential development. The alternative route for pedestrians, equestrians and cyclists is via public bridleway number 19 and the Racecourse as shown on the plan.
- Doncaster 1820 Temporary Closure Plan
- Download (775KB - PDF)
Public Bridleway Number 9 and Footpath Number 2 Thorpe In Balne near the Ebeck
The bridleway between Marsh Lane and Tilts Lane together with the footpath alongside the Ebeck is temporarily closed because of damage to the barrier bank and the possibility of flooding. There is no alternative route.
- Floodbank footpath and bridleway closure plan
- Download (580KB - PDF)
Public Footpath Number 27 Fishlake, Strunns Lane
The footpath is currently temporarily closed because of an unsafe bridge.
- Strunns Lane Temporary Closure
- Download (361KB - PDF)
Public Footpath Number 11 Edenthorpe
The footpath between Mere Lane and Long Plantation, Edenthorpe, is subject to a temporary alignment in the interest of health and safety during construction works.
- Temporary Closure Notice
- Download (12KB - PDF)
Apply to Temporarily Close a Public Right of Way
We require 6 weeks' notice for an application to temporary close a public right of way.
- Temporary Closure Application Form-2
- Download (68KB - DOCX)
For further information contact the Public Rights of Way Team
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Last updated: 13 December 2024 15:17:14