Romans on the Don
Digging Doncaster's Romans
These pages tell the story of what life was like in the Doncaster region before and after the Romans arrived almost 2,000 years ago.
Here you will find information on what has been discovered about before the Romans, known as ‘the Iron Age’, as well as during the Roman period. These pages concentrate on ten specific locations throughout the Borough. These are the sites of archaeological excavations carried out since 1986 in advance of aggregates quarries. Finds include a Roman bath house, timber round houses, pottery kilns and much more.
Follow the links at the bottom of the page to explore the Romans on the Don.
This section of the website is for teachers of Key Stage 2 History. There is a teachers pack of classroom activities linked to background information on Archaeology, the Iron Age, the Romans and four of Doncaster's Iron Age and Roman archaeological sites. These resources are designed to aid the teaching of Romans, historical interpretation and historical enquiry. They also key into numeracy, literacy and citizenship.
The Teachers pack can be accessed via the links below.
Please find below a downloadable comic of adventures, jokes, puzzles and strange facts for you to read on screen or print out.
- Romans on the Don comic
- Download (6.04MB)
These Romans on the Don web pages have been produced by English Heritage in partnership with South Yorkshire Archaeology Service. Funded by English Heritage through the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund.
More information
- Acknowledgements
- Acknowledgements for the teachers pack
- Archaeology and aggregates
- Barnsdale Bar
- Brodsworth (Pickburn Leys)
- Doncaster's hidden heritage
- Dating the buried landscapes
- Digging Doncaster's Roman past
- Farming the fields
- Find out more
- Hampole (Hazel Lane)
- Life indoors
- Money and making pots
- Other excavations
- Roman power
- Romans on the Don glossary
- Romans on the Don teachers pack
- Stainton (Holme Hall)
For further information, please contact us:
- tel: 0114 273 6354
- address: South Yorkshire Archaeology Service, Howden House, 1 Union Street, Sheffield, S1 2SH
Downloads & Resources
- Romans on the Don comic
- Download (6.04MB - PDF)
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