The graded standards shown below are used by the Street Scene team to monitor the cleanliness of areas in Doncaster.

For Litter and Refuse

Grade A

No litter or refuse

Grade B

Predominantly free of litter and refuse apart from some small items

Grade C

Widespread distribution of litter and/or refuse with minor accumulations

Grade D

Heavily affected by litter and/or refuse with significant accumulations

For Detritus (Mud, Soil, Grit etc) 

Grade A

No detritus

Grade B

Predominately free of detritus except for some light scatterings

Grade C

Widespread distribution of detritus with minor accumulations

Grade D

Heavily affected by detritus with significant accumulations

Zones and Response Times

All public areas maintained by the Council have been classified into one of four main land zones, which are set out in the Code of Practice on Litter and Refuse.  If a site fall to a Grade C or D for either litter, refuse or detritus, it is deemed to be unacceptable, and should be rectified within the set response times as laid out below.

Zone 1 - high intensity of use

Description - Busy public areas

Response time - Half a day.  This means by 6pm if reported by 1pm; or by 1pm the next duty day if reported between 1pm and 6pm on the previous day

Zone 2 - medium intensity of use

Description - Everyday' areas, including most housing areas occupied by people most of the time

Response time - 1 day.  This means by 6pm the following evening

Zone 3 - low intensity of use 

Description - Lightly trafficked areas that do not impact upon most peoples lives most of the time

Response time - 14 days

Zone 4 - areas with special circumstances

Description - Situations where issues of health and safety, reasonableness and practicality are dominant considerations when undertaking environmental maintenance work 

Response time - 28 days, or as soon as reasonably practical


Report it

If you would like to request Street Cleaning, please complete the following e-form




Last updated: 08 September 2023 10:44:00

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