We have a responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to act as the litter authority for the Doncaster borough. This responsibility applies to all council owned land and includes: street cleaning, litter collection, the removal of detritus, fly-posting, graffiti and fly-tipping.

Key information


Littering is punishable by an £150 fixed penalty notice which means if, for example, you drop a cigarette butt, chewing gum, paper cup or fast food wrapping onto the street you will be fined for each item dropped. Chewing gum presents a particular problem as it is time-consuming and expensive to remove. An offender has 35 days to pay the fixed penalty notice. Failure to pay the fine will result in the case being taken to court and a maximum fine on conviction of £2500. 

Follow the link for instructions on how to pay a fixed penalty notice

Litter thrown from a vehicle

The Council is trying to tackle the problem of drivers and passengers throwing rubbish from their vehicles. Throwing litter from a car is disgusting and turns our roadsides into a dumping ground for fast food litter, cigarette stubs, drinks cartons and apple cores.

Litter Bin reports 

If you see a damaged or overflowing litter bin, you can report it to us using the e-form below. If your request is in relation to a new bin this will be assessed on a need basis in line with the litter bin policy. This does not automatically mean you will get a new litter bin. Please note, this form is to be used to contact us about public litter bins in parks or on pavements (not household bins). 

Report a litter bin issue

Disposing of dog fouling in litter bins 

Dog fouling is not classed as 'clinical waste' and can be bagged and disposed of in normal litter bins. We encourage the public not to place dog fouling into bins within children's play areas. Dog owners have a responsibility to pick up after their pets and should either place bagged dog fouling in a litter bin/dog waste bin or take bagged dog waste home with them. If dog owners do not clean up after their dog, an on-the-spot fine of £100 can be imposed. 

 Community Protection Notices 

The Council can issue Community Protection Notices to the owner or occupier of a certain business if the area around their premises is littered. The notice makes them responsible for keeping their area clean and litter-free.  

 Litter removal from highways within Doncaster 

The Council is responsible for the removal of litter and detritus from all A-roads running through the borough. We endeavor to remove litter and detritus from identified hot-spots on all major roads a minimum of once a year. The Council is NOT responsible for sections of the A1(M) and M18 running through the borough. If you spot litter on these highways which may be dangerous, please report it to Highways England by phoning 0300 123 5000. 

Report it

We will need to know: 

  • Where the litter is located
  • What type of litter it is
  • Anything else that you think is important

If the issue is discarded needles/drug related litter or rubbish causing an obstruction, please ring 01302 736000 during office hours (Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm) or outside of these hours 01302 737199.

To report a littering incident online, choose from the appropriate e-form below:

What happens next? 

Once the report has been received, the Street Scene team will respond as soon as possible. Needles and drug litter will be removed within 2 hours. Fly-tipping and serious incidents of littering will be removed within 7 working days.

Our service standards 

We routinely litter-pick the borough and empty litter bins in order to maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. Below are our key service standards: 

We will litter-pick Doncaster City Centre 

Up to 4 times per day 

We will litter-pick main roads and car parks

Up to fortnightly

We will litter-pick rural roads

Up to twice a year

We will litter-pick estate roads

Up to every 28 days

We will empty litter bins in Doncaster City Centre

Up to twice daily

We will empty litter bins in other high amenity and high usage areas


We will empty litter bins in rural and estate roads

Up to fortnightly 

Get involved

If you take pride in your community, care about the environment and want to keep the Borough looking its best...get involved!

Sign up for one of our Volunteer Action Days as part of the This Is My Doncaster campaign.



Last updated: 04 March 2025 18:29:41

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