If you are having a problem with noise such as loud music, burglar alarms, DIY, noisy pubs, rowdy parties or barking dogs in your neighbourhood, we can help you.

Too much noise can affect a person's health and enjoyment. The Council has a duty to see that citizens do not suffer from a statutory noise nuisance. This can occur at any time of the day or night.

Upon receipt of a noise complaint, our service normally writes to the person who is alleged to be causing the problem. The letter requests that they consider their actions and take reasonable steps to prevent any further noise nuisance being caused. At the same time, we will send you a diary to monitor the problem if it continues, which should be returned to us if you would like us to investigate further.

If our initial informal approach does not work, complaints can be monitored with specialist recording equipment and then assessed later to determine if a nuisance is being caused.

If a statutory noise nuisance is expected to occur, recur or exists, a legal notice is normally served on the person responsible for the nuisance or on the occupier/owner of the premises causing the nuisance. If the notice is breached, legal action can be taken. This can lead to confiscation of the sound making equipment (if relevant) and prosecution in the Magistrates' Court,where costs and fines of an unlimited amount may be imposed.

A guilty verdict can have additional consequences for occupiers of tenanted properties. Other action can include the disconnection of sounding burglar alarms that cause a statutory noise nuisance, with the costs involved recharged to the owners/occupiers.

If you would like to contact us to submit an enquiry, please complete the following form:

Contact information

Email: nuisance.team@doncaster.gov.uk

Telephone: 01302 737573 to speak to the team.

Address: Enforcement Team, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU.

Out of hours

Complaints in relation to Anti-Social Behaviour can be made directly to the Neighbourhood Response Team

The officers usually try to persuade the person responsible to change their behaviour at the time so that neighbours do not have to suffer noise nuisance. However, where people ignore verbal warnings, are repeat offenders, or are causing significant noise nuisance, legal notices will be served on the person responsible/occupier/owner. Environmental Health Officers may prosecute offenders and seize noise-making equipment which will be retained pending prosecution proceedings in the Magistrates' Court, if a legal notice is breached. The Court has power to grant permanent forfeiture orders for noise making equipment as well as impose fines and costs.

To use the out of hours service, when a problem is affecting you:

Please phone 01302 737199 at that time.

Last updated: 10 March 2025 09:46:15