International Airport Operator ready and waiting in the wings, Mayor confirms
Unsatisfactory condition and/or appearance of buildings and land
Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 is a planning power that enables local authorities to take enforcement action against owners/occupiers of land and buildings that, by virtue of their condition and appearance are considered to have an adverse effect on the amenities of an area.
A notice under Section 215 sets out what works needs to be done to rectify matters and crucially the date by which the works needs to be done. This deadline should always provide a reasonable amount of time for the works to be completed. If the owner/occupier fails to carry out the works specified within the prescribed time period, the council has the power either to prosecute in the Magistrate Couurt, or where appropriate, to carry out the works itself. The council can seek to recover the costs through the County Court or by placing a charge on the property through HM Land Registry to recover the costs should the property be sold.
Doncaster Council is working to make the district a better place to be in. Unfortunately a number of buildings in our town are letting the side down. The council will use its statutory planning powers to address these areas of untidy land or buildings.
The appearance of property can affect people's perception of an area. Buildings in poor repair or maintenance can make people feel negative about the area. This is especially true for visitors. It may impact upon how much time people will spend in a place and how often and whether at all they will make a repeat visit.
To report such a property or piece of land please contact the public health team:
- email: regulation&
- address: Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
- tel: 01302 737573