Inspire curiosity, spark passion, love learning

Join us as we bring Remake Learning to Doncaster, and the UK, for a second year running. More on this coming soon... 

For a second year Doncaster will be hosting the Remake Learning Days Festival. Taking place over 10 days, right across Doncaster, the festival will offer free and low cost, family-friendly activities and events designed to build knowledge and spark creativity. We want people of all ages to rediscover a love for learning outside of the classroom and join in to inspire curiosity, spark new passions and even discover new hobbies or future career options! 

Keep your eye out for the full list and map of events in Doncaster – the events are listed by area and by age range and theme so you can find something suited to you and your family. There are even adult-only events if you are looking to discover something new in your community.

The festival is being run by our voluntary sector, businesses, organisations community groups and City of Doncaster Council, and using the great assets across Doncaster, these events will be themed around science and technology, arts, crafting and making, history and culture, youth voice, professional development, outdoor learning and sport, and much more. 

We are kick-starting the festival on Wednesday 22nd May 2024, and then running activities through to Friday 31st May 2024. We will be releasing details on what events you can get involved with on the website on the run up to the festival so keep an eye out on our website and social media to bookmark the ones you want to go to! 

Remake Learning Days is an initiative that started in America to inspire minds and spark curiosity and passion by bringing learning outside of the classroom. It celebrates the great assets we have in our communities and showcases the diverse range of talent and opportunities right on our doorsteps. We hosted the festival for the first time in 2023, with over 10,000 people engaging with over 260 different activities and events! (See more about this in our impact report below...) 

Want to Host an Event at the Festival?  

We are looking to collaborate with organisations, businesses and providers in Doncaster to host activities as part of the festival, with possible funding available to support the delivery. These activities could focus on developing skills and interest within areas such as the arts, crafting and making, outdoor learning, science, technology, youth voice, professional development and others. 

We are currently inviting learning providers, voluntary, community, sport, youth activity organisations, and businesses to take part in this festival, either by letting us know what activities you already have planned for these dates, or by applying to host one or more new events/activities to provide learning experiences for young people, families and adults. We would also really like to hear from you if you would be willing to provide a venue for an event, or to promote the festival to your networks. 

Submit your event here  Please view the privacy notice here 

What's in it for you? 

  • Opportunity to promote and showcase your organisation and its offer to both your local community and a global audience; raising your profile and being part of something bigger, something that's happening across Doncaster that's only going to grow year on year as part of our Education & Skills 2030 Strategy 
  • Opportunity to support people in our city to have positive and engaging experiences, to raise aspirations in your local communities, lighting a fire in the children and young people who will be our future workforce 
  • Opportunity to apply for possible grant funding to support your activities, we will confirm more details on this in January 2024 

We hope you will be creative in sharing your offer and in return we will promote your events through social media including organisation promotion as well as other communication channels through the council, flyers and posters will be promoting the festival in key locations around Doncaster in all localities, a brochure of events will be available online on the Remake Learning website where locality specific events will be identified and mapped out on the webpage. We are able to work with hosts to make this as engaging as possible for the audience and provide all the details needed e.g. booking requirements/ accessibility etc. 

How can you find out more? 

To find out more about becoming an event host and applying for funding, you can drop us an email at You can also read about the wider international festival here on the Remake Learning website.

Remake Learning Annual Report 2023 

Remake Learning 2023 Impact Report 

Download (13.6MB - PDF) 


What is a Remake Learning event ?

A Remake Learning themed event takes learning outside of the traditional education setting, offering fun, engaging and educational activities for the whole family and inspiring hearts and minds to consider a variety of future career options. These are typically free or low cost. Ideally they should focus on themes such as arts, crafting and making, outdoor learning, science, technology, youth voice, professional development.

They can be aimed at families and people of any age and are designed to connect them to the great community assets in the place they live, be that outside spaces, libraries, local businesses, community venues and centres of faith. Events can also be delivered virtually. Remake Learning is an internationally acclaimed movement to make learning relevant, engaging, inclusive and equitable across and within local communities, and we are excited to be collaborating with the organisation and bringing its approach to our city. We are extremely grateful to the Grable Foundation for its support for this festival.

What funding is available?

As part of the festival, event hosts can apply for a small grant to support delivery. Amounts will be confirmed in the New Year and applications will be assessed and awarded on a rolling basis.

Who can apply to host an event?

We are looking for Doncaster and South Yorkshire-based organisations, voluntary and faith sector groups, businesses and venues to host a variety of events in all areas of the city. Event hosts must ensure they have the right safeguarding requirements and insurance to enable them to host events.

My event is online can I still take part?

Yes, events can be hosted online for the Remake Learning Festival however you will be expected to demonstrate how your event will engage and positively impact Doncaster residents.

What is expected of event hosts?

You will need to design, run and staff the event/s yourself including sourcing a venue if you don't already have access to one, which the funding can support with. However, we are on-hand to support and advise. It would be great if you could promote your event/s on any channels you have, but we will be running a full marketing campaign on behalf of all events taking place as part of the festival.

ALTERNATIVELY if you are already planning to host an event during the festival dates and you believe it fits the criteria of a Remake Learning event, you can still register to be part of the festival and apply for funding to increase your event offer or the number of people who can attend. Events and activities will be expected to deliver on at least one of the following learning themes:
  • Youth Voice/empowerment
  • Life skills
  • Creative/Maker
  • Environment/Outdoors
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)
  • Personal/Professional Development

How do I register an event to be part of the Remake Learning Festival?

If you are already running an event, you can still apply to be part of the Remake Learning Festival to promote your event more widely, reach new people and to maximise the offer to learners.

The application form will be brief and will include at a minimum: a brief outline of your organisation the activities that will be taking place the audience that will be engaged the venue the time and date of the event To run a Remake Learning event an event host must have an appropriate safeguarding policy, sign a data privacy notice, record attendance, provide evaluation forms at the end of the event adhere to the criteria set out above. There is also the opportunity to apply for grant funding to maximise the impact of your event and to reach more people through increasing the capacity of your event or promoting your event more widely.

We recognise that it can be costly to buy equipment or put out information promoting your event, so to allow your creative ideas on what you want to deliver flow we will support where we can by providing a grant to cover the costs of something you may not have delivered before due to barriers. We will open grant applications closer to the main festival and more information will be released soon on what criteria you need to meet to be eligible for a grant so please keep an eye on our socials and web pages! What resources are available for event hosts? You can download an event host flyer.

 The Grable Foundation logo



Last updated: 04 June 2024 11:38:41

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