International Airport Operator ready and waiting in the wings, Mayor confirms
We want every person in Doncaster to live in the place they call home with the people and things that they love, in communities where they look out for one another, doing things that matter to them. Doncaster Council's Wellbeing Service is based on the principal of ensuring that all residents of Doncaster have access to support, advice and guidance to enable them to remain as safe and independent within their own communities for as long as possible.
The Wellbeing Service
The Wellbeing Service is available to all adults (over 18yrs) living in Doncaster and can provide support on a range of issues including the following:
- Adults affected by their Mental Health - This could be a range of low-level mental health concerns including anxiety, depression, or other associated mental health concerns.
- Adults affected by their Physical Health - This could include a range of physical support needs and access to low-level equipment and adaptations to keep you safe in your own home.
- Adults affected by Social Isolation and Loneliness - This may include supporting you access groups, activities, be-friending, volunteering opportunities and much more within your local community.
- Adults affected by their Living Environment or Housing - This could include support with issues in your home environment or your tenancy whether that be a private arrangement or a St Leger Homes property.
- Adults affected by their Local Community - This could include support with issues in your community or environment - such as Anti Social Behaviour.
- Adults at risk of Financial Exclusion - This may be connected to the cost of living crisis, issues with budget management, debt issues or even support to apply for the correct benefits to maximise your income.
- Adults affected by Family or Personal Issues - This could include support with accessing bereavement counselling, or other forms of emotional support.
- Adults requiring support with Work or Training - This could include having access to training, or someone who could be looking to get back into work.
- Armed Forces & Veterans - Support to ensure that no person is disadvantaged from having served in the Armed Forces. For Veteran advice please visit our dedicated support page Armed Forces Support
- Carers - Support to ensure that all carers within Doncaster have the right Advice, Information and Guidance to support their key role as Carers.
- Support for Community and Voluntary Groups - We can provide support to community and voluntary groups to support them in their vital role in the community, including access to funding opportunities.
Community Conversation Points
You can also access support from Community Conversation Points, sometimes referred to as Community Led Support (CLS) Hubs based in communities across Doncaster. These are generally held at community venues in your local area – please visit the following website for more information:
Contact Us
For further information please contact us on any of the methods below:
Telephone: 01302 735553
Follow us on twitter - @WBDoncaster
Downloads & Resources
- Wellbeing Service Information Sheet
- Download (159KB - PDF)
- Wellbeing Connection Form
- Download (81KB - DOCX)
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