Doncaster’s Compassionate Approach

Our vision is that everybody in Doncaster is fully able to pursue their own health goals and are fully supported to do so by society, without judgement or assumptions. They feel valued as an individual just the way they are. Compassion is at the heart of how we move together towards a healthier society for future generations.

Defining Compassion

Feeling or showing empathy and sadness for the suffering or bad luck of others, and wanting to help them.

This is not to say that we treat our citizens as ‘victims’ in need of ‘saving’, but rather acknowledge that people’s lives are complex and multifaceted with many factors influencing our health and wellbeing, many of which are outside an individuals control, and that we as a local authority can influence and change.

What do we mean by a Compassionate Doncaster?

Building the social conditions for better health... a Compassionate Doncaster.

Good health and wellbeing is not just the result of the decisions we make. They are hugely affected by the social environment we live in – which can be improved if we have the shared ambition to do so. We need to move away from blaming individuals for their poor health and instead build the social conditions for better health across our Wellbeing Goals – by reducing health stigma, practicing ‘no judgement’ and investing in prevention.

Our Principles

  • Rooted in principles of social justice, aiming to lift up the systematically disadvantaged and challenge the environmental and social structures that create inequalities
  • A compassionate approach that is sympathetic and realistic regarding circumstances and human behaviour.​​
  • Capitalise on opportunities and build on existing levers for change whilst acknowledging this is a long-term approach.​
  • Take away individual blame and challenge assumptions.​​
  • An approach that builds up individuals strengthens self-efficacy and self-worth and provides a clear message that everyone is valued and are “good enough”.​
  • Intervene upstream at a population/community level wherever possible. Unsustainable individual interventions are least preferable

Doncaster Delivering Together

A Healthy and Compassionate Doncaster is one of our Wellbeing Goals within our Borough Strategy Doncaster Delivering Together. Our goal is a compassionate borough where collectively everyone is supported to add life to years and years to life.

Want to know more?

Please view our One-Pager for more information on the principles of our Compassionate Approach.

To find out more about our Compassionate Approach to Weight please visit our webpage

For more information, please email 



Last updated: 22 January 2024 11:42:17

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