Doncaster Supported Housing Improvement Programme
The Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP) is an England wide £20 million funding programme available from 2022-2025. The City of Doncaster Council was successful with its bid for funding and began operation of SHIP in mid-2023. SHIP focuses on three main areas of Supported Housing; Housing Benefits, Housing Standards and Support Review. The project aims to ensure supported housing provides safe and appropriate accommodation, delivers positive outcomes and provides value for money for the taxpayer.
What is Supported Housing
Supported housing provides crucial help to some of the most vulnerable people in our country. It can have an enormous positive impact on an individuals quality of life: from their physical and mental health to their engagement with the community.
In supported housing, accommodation is provided alongside support, supervision or care to help people live as independently as possible in the community. This includes:
- older people
- people with a learning disability
- people with a physical disability
- autistic people
- individuals and families at risk of or who have experienced homelessness
- people recovering from drug or alcohol dependence
- people with experience of the criminal justice system
- young people with a support need (such as care leavers or teenage parents)
- people with mental ill health
- people fleeing domestic abuse and their children
These are not always distinct groups and many individuals may have multiple needs.
The supported housing sector is diverse, comprising housing associations and local council housing, as well as charities and voluntary organisations. Housing providers and schemes can vary significantly in size and scale: from large organisations with tens of thousands of residents across the country, to smaller local providers who may own one property.
The way accommodation and support services are delivered also varies between schemes; some organisations own properties, some provide support (either within their own or another property), and some may do both. This can impact where legal and regulatory responsibility lies for each property.
What is the Supported Housing Improvement Programme
We believe it is important to ensure those who are living in Supported Housing, should be able to live safe, have access to meaningful support and are encouraged to achieve goals and aspirations and as such, we have become one of 26 Local Authorities in the Country signed up to the Supported Housing Improvement Programme.
You can find out more about the programme here.
In Doncaster, we are reviewing all commissioned and non-commissioned supported housing in the following three areas:
Housing Benefit | Standard of Accommodation | Quality of Support |
Supported Housing Improvement Programme (SHIP) - Who are we?
Doncasters Supported Housing Improvement Programme consists of a multi-disciplined team of Housing Benefits Technical Adjudication Officers, Environmental Health Practitioners and Support Review Officers.
Housing Benefits
Housing Standards
Support Review
These staff will
- Undertake inspections and reviews of the meaningfulness of the support being provided.
- Evaluate support documents.
- Meet with staff to ensure they have the appropriate skills and training to support residents.
- Review the frequency of support sessions.
- Verify the support needs of individuals being placed.
- Review & monitor the length of stay of customers and ensure progression to independence where appropriate.
- Undertake safeguarding reviews of dip-sampled cases and of any concerns raised.
- Meet residents and engage with their experience.
- Monitor outcomes such as positive move-ons and reduced returns to rough sleeping.
Doncaster Supported Housing Improvement Programme Charter
The Doncaster SHIP Charter will be published here shortly.
Supported Housing Residents Rights
We have developed a Supported Residents Rights leaflet that has information for residents who live in supported accommodation, the aim is to help residents know what support they should be receiving from a supported accommodation provider. It also provides general advice about residents' rights along with contact details and signposting information.
CDC SHIP Supported Residents Rights Leaflet
- Download (305KB - PDF)
New Approaches from Landlords
If you are a landlord providing supported accommodation for the first time where your residents will be relying on Housing Benefit to pay their rent, you will need to provide information about your scheme.
You can request a Housing Benefit Decision in Principle for Supported Accommodation Provision here.
- Request For Housing Benefit Decision In Principle For Supported Accommodation Provision
- Download (79KB - DOCX)
Existing Landlords
If you are an existing provider looking to deliver supported housing at a new address where your residents will be relying on Housing Benefit to pay their rent, you will need to provide more information.
(Form coming soon)
Report It
We want residents of supported housing to have safe, appropriate accommodation which meets their needs.
If you have a concern about supported accommodation you can report this to us by clicking on the 'Report It' button below and completing the associated Intel Form.
Useful Links
Reporting Anti-Social Behaviour
Reporting concerns about an Adult
Reporting concerns about a Child
Information about Landlord Licensing
Information about Private Renting Repairs & Responsibilities
A guide to HHSRS Standards
Updates from the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government
Downloads & Resources
- Supported housing oversight pilots- independent evaluation
- Download (2.73MB - PDF)
- Supported Housing (Regulatory Oversight) Bill
- Download (514KB - PDF)
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