Houses in multiple occupation licensing

If you're a landlord or property managing agent who lets houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), you may need to apply for a licence.

Do I need an HMO licence?

Most landlords and property managing agents who let a property which meets the criteria of a licensable HMO will need to apply for an HMO licence. This is done through the council where the property is located.

If your property doesn't meet the criteria, and you rent out properties in Hexthorpe, you may need to apply for a selective landlord licence.

To see if you’re exempt from applying, please read the following section.

Failure to apply for a licence can lead to unlimited fines, a criminal record and potentially rent repayment orders.


Who's exempt from applying?

You’re exempt from applying for a license if you let a building/part of a building which is:

  1. Controlled or managed by the following public sector bodies:
    • local housing authorities
    • non-profit registered providers of social housing
    • public sector bodies which are registered as social landlords under Part 1 of the Housing Act 1996 (c. 52). 
    • police and crime commissioners
    • the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime,
    • a fire and rescue authority
    • a Health Service Body                      
  2. Controlled or managed by a co-operative society

  3. Regulated otherwise than under the Housing Act 2004

  4. Occupied solely or mainly by people studying a full-time further/higher education course at an educational establishment, or one of a specified description. The property is also controlled or managed by an educational establishment, or a person of a specified description

  5. Occupied by religious communities

  6. Occupied by owners

  7. Occupied by two persons who make up two households

For full details of exemptions, please refer to Schedule 14 of the Housing Act 2004.

How much will it cost?

Fees are charged for licensing a house in multiple occupation and licences are valid for up to 5 years.

1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024

New application £890 (up to 5 bedrooms) + £61 per additional room
Renewal* £830 (up to 5 bedrooms) + £61 per additional room                             

1st April 2024 - 31st March 2025 

New application £950 (up to 5 bedrooms) + £65 per additional room
Renewal* £886 (up to 5 bedrooms) + £65 per additional room                             

*If renewing, the application must be made before the existing licence has lapsed.

Apply for or renew a licence

To apply for a licence, please click the button below and follow the link for how to apply or how to renew.

Licences will be granted if:

  • the house is, or can be made, suitable for multiple occupation,
  • the applicant is a fit and proper person and the most appropriate person to hold the licence,
  • the proposed manager has control of the house, and is a fit and proper person to be the manager, and
  • the management arrangements are satisfactory



Failed application, licence holder redress and queries

If you wish to appeal against a licence refusal or conditions applied or for any other queries, please contact the Enforcement Team on the details provided on your notice.

You may appeal to the Residential Property Tribunal

Any appeal must be made within 28 days of the application decision being made.

For further information on HMO licensing please go to the Communities and Local Government website


HMO Licence register

The council must maintain a public register of all the premises licensed as an HMO, please visit the following page

If you have any enquiries about a property which has been licensed or which you feel should be licensed and is not, please contact us using the details on this page.


Standard HMO Licence Conditions

All HMO licences are issued with standard conditions, a copy of these can be found in the Downloads & Resources section below.

The Authority also has discretion to attach property specific conditions. Where a condition requires steps to be taken, unless a specific time frame for compliance is detailed within the condition, then full compliance with the condition should be reached within 6 months of the commencement date of the licence.


Revision of HMO standards

The revision of this document is predominantly formatting with the additions of hyperlinks.

The general guidance standards have been updated to reflect legislation changes in relation to smoke and carbon monoxide detection, electrical safety and minimum energy efficiency standards.  

The contact information has been updated with links to relevant web pages for further details and contact methods.


Do I need planning permission?

We encourage all applicants to ensure they have the required planning permission when submitting a HMO licence application.  Doncaster Council has made an Article 4 Direction which means that anyone who wants to convert a property to an HMO, in the defined area, will need to apply for planning permission.  Details of the Article 4 area can be found on the Council’s website.  Outside the Article 4 area, planning permission will be required for any HMO with more than 6 people.

The Government actively encourage all Councils to ensure planning permission has been given before issuing a licence.  Therefore, the Council will not look to grant an HMO licence unless the appropriate planning permission, where required, has already been given. If the property is already occupied, without planning permission, we may issue a licence for a reduce period of time. In these circumstances the full licence fee is still applicable and it is unlikely we would renew the licence unless planning permission is granted prior to the expiry of ant licence issued. 

Advice on how to apply for or check that you have the appropriate planning permission can be found here:

Last updated: 07 June 2024 08:54:59

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