Private Renting - House Repairs
We have a statutory duty to keep the housing conditions in our area under review with a view to identifying any action that may need to be taken to address housing disrepair issues. In the majority of cases we will seek to form agreements to secure property improvement, however in some circumstances we will use legal enforcement measures to secure improvement if tenants are at risk.
Both landlords and tenants are responsible for keeping rented properties in good repair. Unless the tenancy has a fixed term of more than seven years, the landlord is responsible for repairs to:
The tenant should always undertake minor jobs such as replacing fuses clearing blocked sink as well as repair damage that the tenant, their family or visitors have caused.
Responsibility for other repairs depends on what the landlord and the tenant agree. The landlord can include a sum to cover the cost of repairs in the rent, but he cannot pass the cost of repairs onto the tenant as a service charge. It is useful to discuss the procedures for getting repairs carried out and have them included in the tenancy agreement. Sorting out repairs is one of the most common problems in private-rented homes. Each party’s responsibility for repairs and how tenants report problems should be clearly set out prior to the start of a tenancy.
- Roof
- Windows
- Doors
- Drains
- Gutters
- Baths
- Sinks
- Toilets
- Heating
- Hot water
- Damp
- General building repairs damage caused by someone with no connection to the tenant, for example, during a break-in or vandalism
The tenant should always undertake minor jobs such as replacing fuses clearing blocked sink as well as repair damage that the tenant, their family or visitors have caused.
Responsibility for other repairs depends on what the landlord and the tenant agree. The landlord can include a sum to cover the cost of repairs in the rent, but he cannot pass the cost of repairs onto the tenant as a service charge. It is useful to discuss the procedures for getting repairs carried out and have them included in the tenancy agreement. Sorting out repairs is one of the most common problems in private-rented homes. Each party’s responsibility for repairs and how tenants report problems should be clearly set out prior to the start of a tenancy.
Your landlord must carry out repairs within a reasonable period of time - but that only begins once you've told them about the problem. For example, if you report an emergency repair such as a broken boiler it could be reasonable for your landlord to carry out repairs within 24 hours. However, if a part is required to be ordered, it may be reasonable for these repairs to take longer. You can reduce your chances of being evicted by a section 21 notice if you write to your landlord about the repairs and provide them with 14 days to make an adequate response. If you do not carry out this step, you are at higher risk of being evicted via the Section 21 process. When a repair needs carrying out, you should make contact with the landlord/ agent to inform them of the problem. It is also advisable to follow this up in writing with either a letter or e-mail which confirms what the repair problem(s) is/are and keep a copy of this for your records. A sample letter for reporting repairs is available to you within the ‘Downloads and resources’ section. In the case of an emergency, the landlord/agent should be telephoned as soon as is practicable.
Where the landlord is a Registered Social Landlord (RSL) our service response will be to:
- Cases where the tenant is able to show that the internal complaints process of the RSL has been followed and it would be inappropriate to refer the matter on to the Housing Ombudsman because of outstanding health and safety concerns without a timely plan of action being provided by the RSL.
- Cases where there is evidence of a significant hazard/risk from the conditions present.
In other situations e.g. dissatisfaction with the RSL’s timescales where there is low risk to tenants and their visitors, tenants are advised to contact:
- The Housing Ombudsman Service and/or
- A designated support service or solicitor specialising in housing law.
You may need to contact your landlord or agent again if they don’t take action after you report a repair. It may also be beneficial to suggest dates and times when the work could be done. Make sure you are supportive in terms of your landlords requests for entry to your home to permit repairs to be completed. It's likely that your tenancy requires you to allow access at reasonable times and with reasonable notice (at least 24 hours). It’s a good idea to be flexible about when repairs can be carried out. If you normally deal with a letting agent, you could try contacting the landlord directly if the agent doesn’t respond or they don’t pass the information to the landlord. Delays can sometimes happen where the landlord will only allow the agent to do small repairs without getting their permission. Speaking to the landlord may help get the work done quicker.
If repairs are still not completed within a reasonable time, you can contact Doncaster Councils’ Housing Enforcement Team by selecting the Disrepair Report Form. When the Housing Team receives a complaint, we aim to work with landlords to resolve any issues and are on hand to provide practical advice throughout the process. Landlords usually carry out the repairs voluntarily, but in some cases we have legal powers to make your landlord deal with repair problems and the condition of your home.
If repairs are still not completed within a reasonable time, you can contact Doncaster Councils’ Housing Enforcement Team by selecting the Disrepair Report Form. When the Housing Team receives a complaint, we aim to work with landlords to resolve any issues and are on hand to provide practical advice throughout the process. Landlords usually carry out the repairs voluntarily, but in some cases we have legal powers to make your landlord deal with repair problems and the condition of your home.
In March 2019 a new law came into force to make sure that rented houses and flats are ‘fit for human habitation’, which means that they are safe, healthy and free from things that could cause serious harm. Most landlords make sure that the houses and flats they rent out are safe and secure, warm and dry. But some landlords do not, and this means that some tenants live in dangerous or unhealthy conditions. This new law, the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018, will help these tenants and make sure irresponsible landlords improve their properties. If rented houses and flats are not ‘fit for human habitation’, tenants can take their landlords to court. The court can make the landlord carry out repairs or put right health and safety problems. The court can also make the landlord pay compensation to the tenant. If you wish to find out more information regarding this, the government has issued guidance for tenants
If you have reported the disrepair issues to your landlord and they have still not been addressed you can contact ourselves using the 'Disrepair Report Form' below.
Downloads & Resources
- Repair Request Letter Template
- Download (19KB - DOCX)
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Last updated: 28 October 2024 10:17:55