Local Authority Flexible Eligibility Statement Of Intent

The ECO4 scheme will focus on supporting low income and vulnerable households. The scheme will improve the least energy efficient homes helping to meet the Government’s fuel poverty and net zero commitments. The flexible approach for Local Authorities (LAs) to identifying fuel poor and vulnerable households who may benefit from heating and energy saving measures is referred to as “ECO4 Flex”.


Information for Residents

Doncaster Council intends to adopt a borough wide approach to implementing the Flexible Eligibility policy initiative during 2022 - 2026 Energy Company Obligation regulations, through direct targeting of communities by Neighbourhood Sustainability Officers.

Doncaster Council intends to work closely with energy companies, and their preferred installers, and customers to maximise the input of ECO4 on fuel poor households. However fitting the criteria within the statement of intent does not guarantee that any individual household will benefit from energy saving improvements as the final decision on funding rests with energy suppliers and will depend on:
  • the survey carried out and installation costs calculated
  • the energy savings that can be achieved for a property, and
  • whether suppliers have achieved their ECO targets or require further measures to meet their ECO targets (this will affect the amount of funding available through the scheme)

The Council does not endorse contractors

If a company knocks on your door, or calls you on the phone, and states they are working with the Council. They are not.

Contractors are working for themselves and their contracts are with the energy companies who provide them with the grant funding.

All works are a private arrangement between you and the contractor.

The Council has set a local qualifying criteria to allow more residents to access grant funded works, and contractors will use this criteria to help you qualify.

Information for Contractors

For Installers working in Doncaster who have access to ECO4 funding and are seeking approval via Flexible Eligibility


Installers that were previously registered for ECO3 will have to reapply for ECO4.

Please read the ECO Flex Application Process Document before applying and complete the contractor application form and return to insulation.grants@doncaster.gov.uk. 

Next steps for Contractors

Next Steps:

  1. Installers to complete the contractor application form and return to insulation.grants@doncaster.gov.uk

  2. CDC will review your application and confirm approval.

Once approved please use the forms available to download from this page for all applications.

The LA Declaration must be completed electronically in Word format and emailed to the Council via insulation.grants@doncaster.gov.uk and must be accompanied by:


Please refer to the ECO Flex Application Process for further information.


The Council will review the declaration, provide a Declaration URN and return the approved declaration to the installer's email address.

For further information regarding the Council's plans for maximising the uptake of ECO4 funding in Doncaster, please contact the Energy Team via insulation.grants@doncaster.gov.uk


Last updated: 03 June 2024 08:43:59

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