Active Travel Consultation: Barnby Dun Road

City of Doncaster Council has been successful in securing funding from the Transforming Cities Fund for improvements to walking and cycling facilities in your area. These improvements will connect with a route to Kirk Sandall train station in one direction, and the city centre along Thorne Road in the other direction.


Walking and cycling are not only beneficial for physical and mental health, helping people to keep fit and active, they also support the environment by reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality.

The public consultation on the scheme is open until Thursday 31 October 2024. There are several ways you can provide feedback, these are detailed below, along with contact details for the Council’s Strategic Transportation Team should you have any questions.

What are we doing?

The scheme proposes a series of improvements to walking and cycling facilities along Barnby Dun Road, between the junction with Thorn Lane and Clay Lane roundabout. The plans can be viewed at the Active Travel Hub at Doncaster train station and on the City of Doncaster Council website in ‘active consultations’.

The improvements include:

  • A segregated footway and two-way cycleway. There will be one short section of the route where cyclists will be signposted along Clay Lane to then re-connect to the cycleway along Thorne Road, near Clay Lane roundabout.
  • A signal controlled, toucan crossing installed for use by both pedestrians and cyclists replacing the current pedestrian island. This new crossing will be located near to bus stops and The Bridge school.
  • Creation of a bus layby within the existing grass verge for buses traveling towards the city centre (subject to underground utilities and diversion costs).
  • Tactile paving installed at appropriate points throughout the scheme to aid navigation for visually impaired users.
  • Carriageway and footway resurfacing, upgraded street lighting and improved signage.

To meet current standards for active travel, the existing footway will need to be widened in some places. The space needed will be taken from grass verges and re-allocating an area of hatching on the road. Carriageway lane widths will not be altered.

A ‘no dig’ system will be used where the scheme is constructed close to tree roots, and existing driveway accesses will be retained along the route.

How will this benefit local residents and businesses in the area?

Improvements made to Doncaster’s walking and cycling network make it easier and safer for people to travel around, particularly for short and everyday journeys. This includes accessing education and employment opportunities, shops, businesses and other services, as well as public transport connections for longer journeys.


How to give your feedback

The consultation for this scheme is open until 31 October 2024. During this time we encourage you to view the plans and share any comments or feedback you have on the proposal. There are several different ways that you can provide your feedback


The survey has now closed. Thank you to those who took part.

You can still contact City of Doncaster Council by emailing: or by calling 01302 737301.

Last updated: 05 December 2024 11:56:19

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