Bawtry was designated a conservation area on 22 June 1970.

The first appraisal of the conservation area was carried out after consultation in 2007, and was reviewed in 2015 to take account of significant changes that have occurred since the original appraisal. The original appraisal and draft review are available below:

Bawtry Conservation Area Appraisal - Part 1
Download (3.22MB - PDF)
Bawtry Conservation Area Appraisal - Part 2
Download (2.56MB - PDF)
Bawtry Conservation Area Appraisal - Part 3
Download (2.86MB - PDF)
Bawtry Conservation Area Appraisal - Part 4
Download (3.83MB - PDF)
Bawtry Conservation Area Appraisal - Appendices
Download (4.88MB - PDF)
Bawtry Conservation Area Appraisal - Review
Download (567KB - PDF)

To view the location of the conservation area please go to the Heritage Map.

Bawtry is an early medieval town with strong river and road links which provided the basis of its prosperity up to the late 19th century. The planned medieval town pattern is still evident consisting of three parallel connected streets with a strong burgage pattern (long narrow plots attached to houses fronting the street). The predominant architecture of the town is Georgian and many of the town's buildings date from its most affluent period (1780-1840) when Bawtry Hall, non-conformist chapels, and a number of coaching inns were established.

The focal point of the town is a broad market place with its Market Cross. There is a clear hierarchy of small-scale dwellings to the east and grander buildings in the centre and to the west. The medieval church of St Nicholas is away from the market place and was founded at a time when Bawtry was an inland port with a wharf in the vicinity.

The predominant building material in the conservation area is brick with clay pantile roof, although there are some rendered buildings and the use of natural slate is also apparent.

Within the conservation area there are 42 listed structures which, with other significant buildings, are outlined within the appraisal. These can also be viewed on the Heritage Map which gives the address, grade and reference number of the listed building. The reference number can be used to find the listing description for any individual listed building using the Historic England database. In 2020 the listed war memorial was moved from its original location on the Bawtry Hall side of the busy main road south of the town to a more central and accessible location in front of the library.

Bawtry Conservation Area lies within the area covered by the Bawtry Neighbourhood Plan which was adopted 21 November 2019. Full details of the plan and its policies which apply to the conservation area can be found at Bawtry Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Further Information

Further Information about Conservation Areas can be found at Conservation Areas in Doncaster.

If you have any queries about the conservation area contact:
Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Tel: 01302 734922 or 735199

Last updated: 29 January 2025 07:26:36

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