Brodsworth was designated a conservation area on 19 November 1990. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.

To view the location of the conservation area go to the Heritage Map.

Brodsworth is a rural settlement that is heavily influenced by the Hall and park. Much of the village is dispersed along the main road through the settlement although there is a group tucked into the old quarry and also several estate buildings close to the hall. Landscape is very dominant, the area is well endowed with mature trees and the park is included within English Heritage's Registered Parks and Gardens of Special Interest and is Grade II*.

Limestone was the traditional material, which is rendered on some buildings, but there is also some brick. Principle roof materials are slate and clay pantiles. Limestone boundary walls are an important and extensive feature of the conservation area.

Within the conservation area there are 19 listed structures, including the Grade I listed Brodsworth Hall and Grade II* listed church of St. Michael. These can be viewed on the Heritage Map which gives the address, grade and reference number of the listed building. The reference number can be used to find the listing description for any individual listed building using the Historic England database. Adjacent to the conservation area is the Old School building that is also listed.

Although not in the conservation area, some of the properties of Pickburn are also of interest, including several listed buildings.

The above description of the conservation area is only a brief overview subject to a full appraisal that will consider in more depth the features that make up the significance of the area.

Further Information

Further Information about Conservation Areas can be found at Conservation Areas in Doncaster.

If you have any queries about the conservation area contact:
Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Tel: 01302 734922 or 735199

Last updated: 29 January 2025 07:27:03

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