Building Control Application Forms
Please see below for all Building Control Application forms. See also below Guidance for Duty Holders - building regulations update - 2023
Building Regulations apply to most building work whether it is inside or outside the building. If you want to erect a new building, extend or alter an existing one, or provide fittings such as drains, sanitary facilities or heat producing appliances, the regulations will probably apply. They may also apply to certain changes of use of an existing building even though construction work may not be intended. This is because the change of use may involve different requirements of the regulations.
If your building works is subject to Building Regulations two options are available :
- a Full Plans Application
- a Building Notice Application
The choice is yours although a building notice cannot be used for work to a building which is put to certain designated uses such as shop, office, hotel, boarding house or certain types of industrial uses.
If you are having any construction or refurbishment work done you may need to notify the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) and you may have other points to consider and adhere to.
Visit the HSE website:
For any High-Rise, Hospital and Nursing Homes please refer to the Building Safety Regulator (BSR) - Building Safety Regulator - Building safety - HSE
Party Wall Act 1996
Your proposed work may need to comply with the Party Wall Act 1996
Please refere to the following :
Full Plans Application
This has the advantage that the submitted drawings will be thoroughly checked by the Council and a formal decision will be given - five weeks or time to be determined as agreed.
Work can proceed knowing that a formal notice of approval has been granted and the checked plans stamped granted accordingly which can be submitted to you upon request. This has the advantage that if the plans are followed there should be no problems on site.
The drawings that are submitted will need to show all the construction details and preferably well in advance of your intended date of starting work on site.
Building Notice Application
This has the advantage of simplicity as it allows you to carry out works without the need to prepare full plans. This procedure is best suited to the householder who wishes to carry out minor domestic works. The disadvantage with this procedure is that you do not have a granted set of plans for your builder to follow.
If the proposed works are within three metres of a public sewer a building notice cannot be used, therefore a full plans submission will be required.
A window replacement application for can be used when windows are being replaced in the existing window openings and external doors with more than 50 percent glazing.
Any new window openings require a building notice application.
A person registered with such as FENSA or CERTASS etc may carry out window and door replacements without the need to submit a building regulations application as the installer will issue their own completion certificate.
Unauthorised Work/Regularisation Application
An unauthorised building works process is used when applicants make a retrospective application for work that has been carried out without permission. For a regularisation certificate to be issued, works may need to be opened up and any contraventions removed.
Demolition Application
A demolition application would be required for a demolition of any building greater than 50 cubic metres.
Downloads & Resources
- Application Form - WORD Format
- Download (165KB - DOCX)
- Application Form - PDF Format
- Download (2.08MB - PDF)
- Change of Designer - Contractor Form
- Download (725KB - PDF)
- Guidance to the role of duty holders - Revised
- Download (276KB - PDF)
- Compliance Declaration Notice - WORD VERSION
- Download (80KB - DOCX)
- Compliance Declaration Notice - PDF VERSION
- Download (1.45MB - PDF)
- Building Notice Guidance Notes
- Download (153KB - DOC)
- Full Plans Guidance Notes-1
- Download (137KB - DOC)
- Street naming guidance notes
- Download (40KB - DOC)
- Demolition notice application form
- Download (161KB - PDF)
- Fee Sheet 6 April 2024
- Download (272KB - PDF)
- Fee Sheet 6 April 2024
- Download (597KB - DOC)
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