Clifton was designated a conservation area on 20 May 1977. A full appraisal has yet to be carried out.

To view the location of the conservation area go to the Heritage Map.

The village of Clifton is situated one mile south of Conisbrough on an elevated position on the Magnesian Limestone ridge. The village is an agricultural settlement based on farms and associated dwellings and the whole settlement is designated as a conservation area.

Clifton was part of the Manor of Conisbrough in the medieval period and the survival of 'Back Lane' is suggestive of an old street pattern surviving to modern times. The form of the village has changed little from the earliest Ordnance Survey (O.S.) maps (1850s) although there has been substantial infilling. The narrow informal lanes connecting the village are an important part of its character.

Traditional buildings are constructed in random coursed rubble limestone with pitched pantile roofs. The character of the village derives from the traditional forms and materials of these buildings and their associated boundary walls though modern forms and materials now compete with this leaving the character of the conservation area delicately balanced.

The character of the area is also influenced by the strong contrast between the built form of the village and the rural character of the surrounding green belt and there are important views out of the village towards Conisbrough to the north.

There are no listed structures within the conservation area.

The above description of the conservation area is only a brief overview subject to a full appraisal that will consider in more depth the features that make up the significance of the area.

Further Information

Further Information about Conservation Areas can be found at Conservation Areas in Doncaster.

If you have any queries about the conservation area contact:
Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Tel: 01302 734922 or 735199

Last updated: 29 January 2025 07:19:12

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