Owners wishing to demolish a building must give notice to the Local Authority under Section 80 of The Building Act 1984.

Building Control may issue a counter notice under Section 81 with a schedule of requirements, including termination of services, such as electricity, gas, water etc. When demolition has taken place, the site should be cleared and made safe etc.

When intending to demolish a building, notice must be be given to the Local Authority which is usually a minimum of six weeks prior to work commencing.

A location plan of the building and adjoining streets must be provided together with a method statement for the demolition of larger buildings.

Utilities, i.e. gas, water and electricity should also be notified in order that they may arrange for their services to be properly sealed.

For structures built before 1960 you are advised to contact the Planning Ecologist on (01302) 734924 to ascertain if any precautions or surveys are required in respect of bat roosts. All bats are protected by European and United Kingdom Legislation and it is an offence to disturb or destroy their habitat.

In addition, you should also consider the possibility of asbestos and the necessity for a survey.

Contact Building Control for the demolition fee.

The council may impose certain restrictions on demolitions to avoid potential incidents of nuisance. The information below outlines the basic requirements and considerations that should be taken into account when planning and undertaking any demolition work.

  • give the Local Authority six weeks’ notice of demolition work. The Council may impose conditions about how the work should be done
  • send a letter to the neighbours before work starts telling them about the work and what to expect. Give the neighbours a contact name and telephone number and keep them informed
  • deal promptly with any complaints received on site
  • dust should be kept to a minimum by spraying with water whenever or wherever possible 
  • site noise may be restricted to certain hours. For more information please contact Building Control
  • particularly noisy operations (for example - pile driving) may need more stringent controls. Pumps and generators should not be left running overnight if they can be heard outside the site
  • if you are a householder doing some or all the work yourself, try to avoid causing any noise or dust in the evenings or on Sundays
  • if noise problems occur, the Council and the neighbours can take legal action. If you think your work may cause a significant nuisance to the neighbours from noise or vibration, apply for "prior consent" from the Council which will allow a certain level of noise to occur
  • bonfires that release "dark smoke" are illegal and the Council will prosecute any offenders
  • advice about bonfires is available from the council
  • stop the bonfire at the end of the working day

Demolition Application Form

A demolition application would be required for a demolition of any building greater than 50 cubic metres. Please complete the form below :

Demolition notice application form
Download (161KB - PDF)


Last updated: 01 August 2024 07:05:41

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