The panel provides design analysis and feedback on planning applications that will have a significant impact on Doncaster and its settlements. The aim of the panel is to raise the quality of architecture and design in the borough.

The Design Review Panel was set up as part of the Renaissance Towns initiative around 20 years ago. In Doncaster this initiative meant, amongst other things, improving the quality of the townscape and buildings by enabling local people to be involved the planning and design process.

The Panel includes a group of local representatives who either worked in a built environment profession such as architecture or represented a community group that is interested in design or regeneration. It was key for these members to have local knowledge and a passion for the future of Doncaster.

Today, the Doncaster Design Panel has moved forward with a mix of old and new members, but the aim to make Doncaster a better functioning and more attractive place to live and work is still at the forefront.

The remit of the current Design Panel is to provide a locally focused and independent level of evaluation that raises the expectations for high quality architecture and ensure the creation of well-designed and sustainable places.

Further Information:


Last updated: 29 January 2025 07:28:35

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