Doncaster - High Street conservation area

Doncaster - High Street was designated a conservation area on 20 May 1977.

The first appraisal of the conservation area was carried out after consultation in 2007. This was reviewed to take account of any significant changes that had occurred there since the original appraisal was carried out and was itself subject to a public consultation before being finalised at the end of December 2014.

The original appraisal and the review are available below:

Doncaster - High Street Conservation Area Appraisal (page 1 - 51)
Download (4.58MB - PDF)
Doncaster - High Street Conservation Area Appraisal (page 52 - 135)
Download (3.35MB - PDF)
Doncaster - High Street Conservation Area Appraisal (page 136 - 195)
Download (2.8MB - PDF)
Doncaster - High Street Conservation Area Appraisal (page 196 - 234)
Download (4.22MB - PDF)
Doncaster - High Street Conservation Area Appraisal - Review
Download (751KB - PDF)

To view the location of the conservation area go to the Heritage Map.

The Great North Road forms the spine of the conservation area and this was the main north/south route passing by the Roman fort of Danum. In the medieval period the street was enclosed within the town gates and the pattern of burgage plots still survive remarkably intact. The high quality of the commercial buildings in the conservation area reflects the prosperity and the fashionable character of Doncaster from the 18th to 20th centuries. Civic pride is expressed in the magnificent Grade I listed Mansion House, one of only three examples in the country. Businesses along the High Street are a mix of principally financial and professional services with some retail outlets.

Adjoining streets are mainly medieval in origin, some indicating the line of Doncaster's historic town ditch. The townscape here varies between streets where Georgian and early Victorian interventions remain largely intact, such as Priory Place, to those with a greater degree or replacement buildings as a result of road widening schemes at the beginning of the twentieth century, such as St. Sepulchre Gate, Baxter Gate and Scot Lane. Businesses here are characterised by smaller, more specialist retailers.

The character of the conservation area as a whole is of a human scale, with buildings being generally three storeys, with very rare exceptions exceeding four storeys. Buildings on the roads following the route of the town ditch, however, are usually only two storeys. Corners are often emphasised with curves and other architectural features, and are often of a larger scale to their neighbours. Buildings mostly line the streets in unbroken terraces, although there are some surviving yards accessed from alleyways from the main streets. Materials vary but are generally of stone, brick, terracotta or painted render, with slate roofs.

The quality of the architecture in the conservation area is reflected in 46 listed structures which, as well as other significant buildings and features, are outlined within the appraisal. The listed structures can also be viewed on the Heritage Map which gives the address, grade and reference number of the listed building. The reference number can be used to find the listing description for any individual listed building using the Historic England database

Further Information

Further Information about Conservation Areas can be found at Conservation Areas in Doncaster.

If you have any queries about the conservation area contact:
Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Tel: 01302 734922 or 735199

Last updated: 29 January 2025 07:34:49

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