Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment and Capacity Study

This document describes Doncaster's landscape character and identifies the capacity of different areas of the borough to accommodate different types of development (in landscape terms only) - it also contains recommendations for developing planning policies.

Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment Study

A Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment of Doncaster (LCCA) was carried out by ECUS Ltd in 2007.

This study identifies and describes eight landscape character types in Doncaster. In accordance with the 'Landscape Character Assessment: Guidance for England and Scotland' by the Countryside Agency (CA) it further divides the Landscape Character Types into Landscape Character Areas of similar character.

The study assesses the overall landscape capacity of landscape character areas to accomodate different types of development including housing, strategic employment, minerals and waste, large-scale forestry and renewable energy.

Further landscape assessment was now been carried out in 2010 and 2020, further details of this can be found at the bottom of the page.

Landscape Character and Capacity Study 2007

Part 1-3 - Landscape Character Assessment and Capacity Study Final Report (March 2007)
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Part 4 - Landscape Character Assessment and Capacity Study Final Report (March 2007)
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Part 4 (A) - Coalfield Farmlands Landscape Character Type
Download (1.66MB)
Part 4 (B) - Landscape Character and Capacity Assessments
Download (1.37MB)
Part 4 (C) - Limestone Plateau Landscape Character Type
Download (1.89MB)
Part 4 (D) - Limestone River Valley Landscape Character Type
Download (2.43MB)
Part 4 (E) - River Carrlands Landscape Character Type
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Part 4 (F) - Settled Clay Farmlands Landscape Character Type
Download (2.1MB)
Part 4 (G) - Peat Moorlands Character Type
Download (1.84MB)
Part 4 (H) - Sandlands Heaths and Farmland Landscape Character Type
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Part 5 - Appendix
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Figure 01 - Simplified Surface Geology
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Figure 02 - Topography
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Figure 03 - Landscape Designations
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Figure 04 - Floodplains
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Figure 05 - Landscape Character Areas
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Figure 06 - Landscape Capacity for Housing
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Figure 07 - Landscape Capacity for Strategic Employment
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Figure 08 - Landscape Capacity for Mineral Working
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Figure 09 - Landscape Capacity for Landraising
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Figure 10 - Landscape Capacity for Windpower
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Figure 11 - Landscape Capacity for Willow Biomass
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Figure 12 - Landscape Capacity fpr Large Scale Forestry
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Figure 13 - Potential Additional ASLV Designations
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Further Investigations - Employment and Housing Sites 2010

Golder Associates (UK) ltd. were commissioned to carry out further landscape assessment to examine in greater detail localized areas where there is considered to be pressure for housing and/or strategic employment development.

The main aim of the study is to differentiate a range of potential housing and strategic employment sites with regard to their impact on the landscape. It provides defined criteria to help assess the impact of proposed development on the landscape.

Download (1.15MB)
Employment Sites 1-4
Download (3.38MB)
Employment Sites 5-8
Download (3.47MB)
Employment Sites 9-11 and Summary
Download (2.79MB)
Housing Sites 1-4
Download (3.34MB)
Housing Sites 5-8
Download (3.38MB)
Housing Sites 9-12 and Summary
Download (3.56MB)
Landscape Character Appendix
Download (1.04MB)

Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment Update – Sensitivity to Wind Energy Development 2020

In July 2020, the Council commissioned LUC to undertake an update of the Landscape Character and Capacity Assessment of Doncaster Borough 2007 to help guide the determination of future planning applications for wind energy developments.

Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment Update - Sensitivity to Wind Energy Development August 2020 (Part 1)
Download (6.08MB - PDF)
Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment Update - Sensitivity to Wind Energy Development August 2020 (Part 2)
Download (6.17MB - PDF)
Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment Update - Sensitivity to Wind Energy Development August 2020 (Part 3)
Download (5.88MB - PDF)
Doncaster Landscape Character Assessment Update - Sensitivity to Wind Energy Development August 2020 (Part 4)
Download (5.81MB - PDF)


Last updated: 29 May 2024 11:13:41

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