Article 4 Direction - Houses in Multiple Occupation
The council has made an Article 4 Direction relating to houses in multiple occupation (HMO), this came into force 14 October 2019.
The Direction (HMO) relates to development comprising change of use from a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses) to a use falling within Class C4 (houses in multiple occupation). The Order removes permitted development rights for this type of development from 14 October 2019.
This means that properties within the defined area whereby the owner or perspective owner wish to convert the dwelling/property (Class C3) into a small HMO (Class C4; small shared houses occupied by 3-6 persons unrelated individuals, as their only or main residence who share basic amenities) are required to apply for planning permission. Prior to the Article 4 Direction (HMO) coming into force, planning permission would not have been required. Planning permission is already required for properties shared by 7 or more unrelated people.
It is important to remember, however, that other restrictions apply for Listed Buildings and other consents may be required.
The Article 4 Direction (HMO) applies to land within the areas of Town, Town Fields, Wheatley, Hexthorpe, Balby, Wheatley Hills, Intake and Belle Vue shown edged red on the map below.
- Boundary of Article 4 Direction (HMO)
- Download (2.65MB - PDF)
Or alternatively can be viewed on the Article 4 Interactive Map. Note - this map also shows the extents of any other Article 4 Directions which apply in Doncaster.
The decision to introduce the Direction (HMO) followed a huge amount of data collection work and public consultation aimed at improving the quality of housing in the Central Wards of Doncaster. This was undertaken by the Housing Team, Building Control and the council’s Enforcement Teams.
Frequently asked questions.
What is a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)?
Where can I find the definitions of the planning use classes?
Planning Use Classes:
Use Class C3 (Dwelling Houses) - These generally include self contained houses or flats occupied by a single person, a couple or a family.
Use Class C4 (Small HMOs) - These include self contained houses and flats shared by between 3 and 6 unrelated people as a "house in multiple occupation".
For more information about Planning Use definitions, please refer to the Planning Portal.
What is a Sui Generis HMO?
Do all HMOs require planning permission?
Planning permission is required for HMO developments comprising the following:
New build Class C4 or Sui Generis HMOs
Changes of use to Sui Generis HMOs
Proposals to intensify or enlarge existing HMOs (where planning permission is required)
Changes of use to Class C4 HMOs (from 14 October 2019)
Proposals for flexible C3/C4 uses (from 14 October 2019)
What is the effect of the Article 4 Direction (HMO)
Planning permission will therefore be required for any changes of use from a house (Class C3) to house in multiple occupation with 3-6 occupants (Class C4) from 14 October 2019, where the property is within the area covered by the Article 4 Direction (HMO).
What area is covered by the Article 4 Direction (HMO)?
Why has the Article 4 Direction (HMO) appeared on the Land Charges Search for my property?
When did the Council make the Article 4 Direction (HMO)?
I own or operate one or more HMOs within the affected area, how will I be affected?
I have an HMO with more than 6 occupants. How will the Article 4 Direction (HMO) affect me?
If my property has been let as a HMO in the past, but is now being let to a family or less than 3 unrelated people, do I need to apply for planning permission to let as an HMO again?
If an HMO is empty for a period of time between lettings, will it lose its Use Class C4 HMO status?
Do I need to apply for planning permission to change the use of my property from a Use Class C4 HMO to a Use Class C3 dwelling house?
How can I avoid the need for a planning application?
How do I apply for planning permission for an HMO?
Can I get any advice before applying for planning permission?
Further details are available here Pre-Application.
Free general planning advice can also be obtained from the Planning Portal, an online service that offers information on the planning system.
- Notice of "making" of an Article 4 Direction (HMO) followed a 6 week consultation period ending on 14 September 2018, Consultation Summary:
- A4D HMO Consultation statement Feb 2019
- Download (3.37MB - PDF)
- Confirmation of Order Sealed.
- A4D HMO's - Sealed Order
- Download (4.7MB - PDF)
Additional Licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation
The council has introduced additional licensing, which applies to certain Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) not already covered by mandatory HMO licensing, which came into effect from 1 October 2018.
Further information can be found at Additional Licensing for Houses in Multiple Occupation.
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