How do I apply for planning permission?

You may need to apply for planning permission and building regulations approval for your project. Planning rules determine whether you can go ahead with projects and building regulations set standards to ensure that buildings are safe.

Save time and get your application right first time 

Let's avoid any un-necessary delays and get your application right first time so we can start to consider it as quickly as possible. 

You'll need to provide a number of documents and statements. We have created useful documents to help you understand what is required from you before submitting an application. These can be found by reading the Planning application information requirements and Householder guidance. 

You can apply for planning permission online. There are advantages to submitting your application online. The benefits include no printing costs, the ability to apply at a time convenient to you, we will start work on the application quicker and you will receive notification that your application has been submitted and received by the Local Authority. 

Householder Guidance

The householder guidance provides applicants with a step by step guide as to what information is required when submitting an application to extend a domestic property. The guide also provides examples of the required plans and explanations as to why the information needs to be submitted.

Householder Guidance (Updated Dec 2023)
Download (364KB - PDF)

Planning application information requirements

There is a growing expectation that the development control service will consider a wider range of issues and consult more effectively with an increasingly interested community. At the same time, planning authorities are expected to be able to offer greater certainty to developers about what might be expected of them when they submit applications and to be able to deliver decisions on time.

The purpose of this checklist is to provide clear guidance on the form and content of information required for the submission of planning applications. By providing checklists on the scope and extent of the information required, applicants should be more aware of their responsibilities and the public and decision makers will be better informed about the development proposals leading to a more open, accessible and efficient service.

The Part One Checklist sets out the mandatory information requirements by different planning application types.

The Part Two Checklist sets out the additional information that Doncaster Council will require from applicants. This is arranged by information type, thresholds for its requirement and a general explanation of the issues that will need to be addressed. Where appropriate, each section is cross-referenced to link to further helpful guidance.

Parts one and two are included in the document below - 

Planning Application Information Requirements and Validation Checklist - Post Consultation FINAL Sept 2024
Download (404KB - PDF)

Part Three checklist has been prepared for various application types (e.g. householder, listed building consent, consent to display advertisements etc) and will summarise the requirements of Checklist One and Two for the identified type.

These can be found at the bottom of the page under Downloads & Resources.  

Validation timescales

To ensure planning applications can be considered and dealt with as efficiently as possible an 8 week time frame is put in place to ensure we receive the necessary information to make an invalid application valid. It is requested that all information is sent in one package to the case officer dealing with your application. If the requisite information is not provided within this time period, all documents will be considered for disposal, fee returned, and no further action will be taken in respect of the application.

Location plan/site plan

You can purchase paper or electronic plans by contacting: 

Contamination screening assessment form

To aid applicants YALPAC (Yorkshire & Lincolnshire Pollution Advisory Council; a forum of the region's local authorities) has published a document entitled 'Development on land affected by contamination. Technical guidance for developers, landowners and consultants'.

It is recognised that for the development of an individual residential property (i.e. one house in a garden) a full phase 1-4 can be inappropriate. Therefore within appendix 2 of the Technical Guidance is a screening assessment form that can be used as a basic contamination assessment and fulfils the requirements of the 'Existing Use' section of the planning application.

Development on Contaminated Land

Planning fees 

A fee is payable with most planning applications to determine the cost of your application, please refer to the list of fees and charges. You can work out how much your application may cost using the online fee calculator. 

Planning Portal - fee calculator 

List of fees 


Do it online

Paper application forms 

If you prefer to apply by post, you can download and print off a paper form from the planning portal. You will need to submit one set of plans together with any accompanying documents and the relevant fee. 

Hazardous Consent Application Form

Applications forms for hazardous substances consent can be found on the HSE website. 

Application forms

Prior notification of demolition

Application forms for Prior Notifications of Demolition can be submitted online via the 

alternatively the form can be downloaded from the

Along with the form, correct fee and site location plan, a copy of the site notice that the applicant has displayed on site, including a photograph showing the site notice in situ is also required.

City of Doncaster Council has produced a standard Prior Approval for Demolition Site Notice template for applicants to complete and display. 

Prior approval for demolition Site Notice
Download (13KB - DOCX)

Prior Approval 

Application forms for Prior Approval applications can be downloaded using the link below. At present you are unable to submit online. 

Planning Portal Paper Form

Prior Approval - AGR

City of Doncaster Council has produced a site notice template for applicants to complete and display when prior approval is required. 

Prior Approval AGR site notice
Download (12KB - DOCX)

More information

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points Planning Guidance Note (July 2024)

This Developer Planning Guidance Note is to be used when designing and submitting any EV Charging Point infrastructure planning application to ensure due regard is had to accessibility and the Equalities Act 2010 at an early design stage. 

Electric Vehicle PAS1899 Planning Guidance V1
Download (496KB - PDF)

Building Regulations 

The process for applying for building regulations is separate to applying for planning permission. You can read more about building regulations by visiting Building Control.  

Application to modify or discharge a S106 planning obligation 

S106 Application form to modify or discharge
Download (177KB - PDF)

Privacy Notice 

The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand the Planning Services privacy notice, which sets out what you need to know about how Doncaster Council will use your information in the course of our work as a Local Planning Authority.

Last updated: 13 January 2025 09:57:15

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