Supplementary Planning Documents and Interim Planning Guidance

The council is producing a number of new Supplementary Planning Documents to provide further guidance about the implementation of specific planning policies in the Local Plan.

Supplementary Planning Documents

The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 set out the requirements for producing Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs). There is also guidance on their role in the Government’s Planning Practice Guidance on Plan Making. SPDs:

  • must relate to adopted plans (providing more detailed advice or guidance);
  • do not form part of the Development Plan;
  • cannot introduce new policies into a Development Plan;
  • are a material consideration in decision making;
  • must not add unnecessarily to the financial burdens on development; and,
  • must not conflict with the adopted development plan.

Adopted SPDs

Following public consultation the Council has adopted six SPDs under the Local Plan with respect to Biodiversity Net Gain, Flood Risk, Technical and Developer Requirements, Loss of Community Facilities and Open Space, Local Labour Agreements and Rural Development.

The adoption versions of the Council's six SPDs and their accompanying Consultation Statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations (2012).

The adopted SPDs are:

Biodiversity Net Gain - further information is available at Biodiversity Net Gain SPD.

Flood Risk SPD - this has been prepared to clarify the expectations of the Council with regards to flood risk and planning applications. It supports Local Plan Policy 57: Flood Risk Management and explains how to apply local and national policy.

Flood Risk SPD - Adopted
Download (1.17MB - PDF)

Technical and Developer Requirements SPD - this sets out the technical matters that need to be taken into account when submitting planning applications. Topics cover a variety of matters including pollution, contamination, drainage, public rights of way and refuse. It also advises on assessments that may need to be carried out and submitted alongside planning applications.

Technical and Developer Requirements SPD - Adopted
Download (3.67MB - PDF)

Loss of Community Facilities and Open Space SPD - this clarifies the expectations of the Council when planning applications could result in the loss of community facilities and open space. It supports Local Plan Policy 27: Protecting Open Space and Non Designated Open Space and Policy 51: Protection of Education, Leisure and Community Facilities.

Loss of Community Facilities and Open Space SPD - Adopted
Download (1.41MB - PDF)

Local Labour Agreements SPD - this supports Local Plan Policy 3: Employment Allocations to provide advice and assistance to applicants and developers on how the Council will work and support employers to maximise local employment and training opportunities from new employment developments.

Local Labour Agreement SPD - Adopted
Download (779KB - PDF)

Both the Consultation Statement and Adoption Statement with respect to the last 4 SPDs can be viewed below.

Consultation Statement
Download (508KB - PDF)
SPDs Adoption Statement - 4 August 2023
Download (74KB - PDF)

Rural Development SPD – this supports Local Plan policies for development in the Doncaster's countryside including Policy 1 (Part 5): Settlement Hierarchy (Countryside Policy Area)Policy 8: Removal of Occupancy Conditions, Policy 11: Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People, and Policy 25 (Development in the Countryside); as well as relevant policy in the National Planning Policy Framework, including national Green Belt policy.

Rural Development SPD - Adopted Version
Download (1.52MB - PDF)
Rural Development SPD Consultation Statement
Download (398KB - PDF)
Rural Development SPD Adoption Statement
Download (73KB - PDF)

Transitional Developer Guidance 

Following the adoption of the Doncaster local Plan, the Councils SPDs have been formally revoked in line with regulation 15 of the above legislation. In this interim period before all the SPDs to support the Local Plan are put in place, there is a need to provide clarity as to the status of any transitional Planning guidance. 

In light of the most recently adopted SPDs, the Council has published updated Transitional Developer Guidance (April 2024) but this is not an SPD, nor will it be adopted as one. It is guidance to inform developers, applicants and decision-makers about what should be considered when submitting and determining planning applications. It specifically provides guidance on certain elements of design, backland and infill and equestrian development.

It should be noted the Transitional Developer Guidance has fully replaced the Backland and Infill and Development SPD, which should no longer be referred to. 

The South Yorkshire Residential Design Guide and Carr Lodge SPD are also revoked as SPDs but are retained as guidance. These documents are available to view below and can be treated as a material consideration in decision-making but with only 'limited' weight.

Doncaster Transitional Developer Guidance - April 2024
Download (1.21MB - PDF)
South Yorkshire Residential Design Guide - January 2011
Download (3.57MB - PDF)
Carr Lodge Design Code - October 2016
Download (11.4MB - PDF)

Interim Position Statement on First Homes

First Homes are a specific kind of discounted market sale housing and should be considered to meet the definition of 'affordable housing' for planning purposes. This position statement confirms that the Council will not apply First Homes policy requirements on planning applications in Doncaster for this form of affordable housing in line with the transitional arrangements set out in the Government's Written Statement of 24 May 2021 and its Planning Policy Guidance. Further information is available via the published Statement below.

Interim Position Statement on First Homes in Doncaster - April 2022
Download (140KB - PDF)


Last updated: 29 May 2024 11:12:09

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