Doncaster’s Local Plan sets out how Doncaster Borough will grow and develop from 2015 to 2035. It identifies where and how new jobs, homes and services will be located; its policies guide investment and development, encourage sustainable and inclusive economic growth, protect the environment and promote social inclusion.

After an independent examination by a Planning Inspector, the Local Plan was adopted following a resolution of Full Council on 23 September 2021.

The Local Plan forms part of the statutory development plan for the Borough and informs decisions on planning applications. The statutory development plan consists of the following:

  • Doncaster Local Plan:
Doncaster Local Plan Adopted 23 Sept 2021
Download (30.6MB - PDF)

In time, there will be a number of SPDs which will provide further details to policies in the Doncaster Local Plan. Further information is available at Supplementary Planning Documents and Interim Planning Guidance where you can view the adopted SPDs.

Planning policy background documents, studies and evidence relating to the following policy themes are available to view via:

The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is a statutory document setting out how the Council will engage with our communities, businesses and organisations in the planning process.

The Council has produced a first round of Community Investment Masterplans covering the 3 communities of Edlington, Rossington and Thorne-Moorends.

Doncaster council has made an Article 4 Direction relating to houses in multiple occupation.

We are also proposing to make an Article 4 Direction to remove Permitted Development Rights for the demolition of buildings within a defined area at Doncaster Sheffield Airport. 

The Council has set up a Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register for people who are interested in a self-build or custom-build home in the Doncaster area.

The Council has a Part 1 Brownfield Land Register which provides up-to-date and consistent information on brownfield sites that the Council considers as being appropriate for residential development.

Various reports are produced to monitor the implementation and success of the of the Local Plan.

The Local Development Scheme (June 2024) summarises the current state of Doncaster’s development plan; including a timetable for review of the South Yorkshire Waste Plan.

Doncaster Local Developmemt Scheme June 2024
Download (496KB - PDF)

Further information:

Adoption Statement
Download (255KB - PDF)
Local Plan - Inspectors Final Report
Download (529KB - )
Local Plan - Inspectors Final Report Appendix
Download (2.74MB - )
Sustainability Appraisal Post Adoption Statement - September 2021
Download (1.64MB - PDF)
Habitats Regulation Assessment
Download (1.03MB - PDF)
Habitats Regulation Assessment Addendum
Download (225KB - PDF)


Last updated: 24 June 2024 07:28:29

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