Various reports are produced to monitor the implementation of the council's Planning Policies.

(Previous versions of these reports, along with other older studies are available via Archive.)

Annual Monitoring Report

As required by legislation, the Council must publish information at least annually that shows progress with local plan preparation, reports any activity relating to the duty to cooperate, any information collected which relates to indicators in the plan, and any policies which are not being implemented. Local planning authorities can also use the Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) to provide up-to-date information on the implementation of any neighbourhood plans that have been brought into force. It can help inform if there is a need to undertake a partial or full update of the local plan, when carrying out a review at least every 5 years from the adoption date.

The AMR for the last complete monitoring period (covering 1 April - 31 March) is available to view below:

Annual Monitoring Report 2023 - Main Report
Download (401KB - PDF)
Annual Monitoring Report 2023 - Appendix 1 Indicator Summary Table
Download (439KB - PDF)
Annual Monitoring Report 2023 - Appendix 2 Indicator Data Sheets
Download (3.97MB - PDF)

5-Year Deliverable Housing Land Supply

The Council has demonstrated a 5 year supply of specific deliverable sites (with the appropriate 5% buffer) covering the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2028. The full report and supporting site specific details are available below.

N.B. In line with the National Planning Policy Framework, the Council is not required to set out its five year deliverable housing land supply as the adopted Local Plan is less than five years old. However the Council has taken the decision to do so as it considers it to be best practice and helps ensure that housing supply is a transparent process as well as assisting us with the ongoing monitoring of the Local Plan.

5 Year Deliverable Housing Land Supply Statement 2023-2028
Download (289KB - PDF)
5 YHLS Site Specific Detail 2023-2028
Download (131KB - XLSX) 

Residential Land Availability

Annual survey of supply of land for housing - planning permissions, allocations and completions. The following report sets out the methodology for how the Residential Land Availability (RLA) monitoring is undertaken each year.

Residential Land Availability Methodology
Download (996KB - PDF)

The latest summary report is available to view and download below. This summary is supported by a detailed site-specific spreadsheet which is also published and allows users to undertake analysis of this monitoring data in line with their own requirements.

Doncaster Residential Land Availability Summary 2022-23
Download (865KB - PDF)
Doncaster Residential Land Availability Site Specific Details 2022 - 23
Download (165KB - XLSX)

Employment Land Availability

Annual survey of supply of land for economic development - planning permissions, allocations and take-up of employment land in Doncaster.

Employment Land Availability Summary 2022-23
Download (241KB - PDF)
Employment Land Availability Report 2022-23
Download (541KB - PDF)
Employment Land Availability 2022-23 Site Distribution Map
Download (11.6MB - PDF)

Doncaster Infrastructure Funding Statement

Doncasters Infrastructure Funding Statement sets out the income and expenditure relating to Section 106 Agreements for the latest financial year:

Section 106 Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022-23
Download (769KB - PDF)

Minerals: Local Aggregates Assessment

The Local Aggregates Assessment provides information on monitoring, supply and demand for aggregate minerals within Doncaster and Rotherham.

2023 Local Aggregates Assessment
Download (602KB - PDF)

The latest LAA refers to the document completed in 2016 which is provided below:

2016 Local Aggregates Assessment - Post Consultation ratified 2017
Download (1.92MB - PDF)


Last updated: 26 June 2024 13:23:05

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