We make decisions about planning applications in two ways:

  • under delegated powers, or 
  • by the Planning Committee

Using delegated powers 

Planning Officers may use delegated powers to make the final decisions for smaller scale developments (for example, alterations and small extensions to existing properties, conversions, and straightforward changes of use), as long as the development falls within certain criteria in the Delegation Agreement. In such cases, the case officer will prepare a report outlining all of the factors to be considered in determining the application, and will make a recommendation on whether to approve or refuse it, which will then be considered and approved by the senior officer if he/she agrees with the recommendation. 

Planning applications have to be decided in line with the local planning authority's (LPA) development plan unless there is a good reason not to do so. 

Delegated decisions can be made more quickly and efficiently as they do not have to wait their turn to be heard at the Planning Committee.

Planning Committee

The case officer will write a report outlining all of the important factors to be considered, and will make a recommendation. There will also be a presentation of the application by an officer, usually with plans and photos of the site. A letter will be sent to the applicant, agent as well as anyone who has made representations to either support or oppose the proposed development identifying that the application will be presented to planning committee with the relevant date and time of the meeting. For more information about how the planning committee works please visit our planning committee page.  

More Information 

How the planning committee works

What happens after a decision on a planning application is made

View planning applications

Last updated: 13 January 2025 09:54:40

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