Planning permission - faqs
Answers to the most frequently asked questions about planning permission.
Frequently asked questions
How do I pay for my planning application?
There are several ways you can pay for your planning application
Debit card/Credit card - please contact 01302 734854
Bacs/Chaps - please contact 01302 734854 who will provide you with the relevant bank details
Cheque payment - please make cheques payable to Doncaster Council
If you have submitted your application via the planning portal the payment must be made to the planning portal
Debit card/Credit card - please contact 01302 734854
Bacs/Chaps - please contact 01302 734854 who will provide you with the relevant bank details
Cheque payment - please make cheques payable to Doncaster Council
If you have submitted your application via the planning portal the payment must be made to the planning portal
Are planning permission and building regulations the same thing?
No, although we are in the same department we deal with two different pieces of legislation. Planning permission deals with the principle of your development, whilst building regulations deal with how your development is built. Sometimes one is required when the other is not, you will need to check with both sections.
Do I need planning permission for everything I do in my home?
No, most internal alterations are unlikely to need planning permission, unless your house is listed, however building regulations may be required. Further information and services we offer e.g. planning history check can be found using the below link:
Check if you need planning permission
Building regulations
Check if you need planning permission
Building regulations
Is planning permission required for a conservatory?
Not always, it would depend on the size of the conservatory, where you want to put it and if the house has been extended or altered before. You will also need to check the property's history, such as restricted planning conditions. Further information and services we offer e.g. planning history check can be found using the below link:
Check if you need planning permission
Check if you need planning permission
Do I need planning permission to put up a fence?
Near a road (which also includes the footpath), a fence or wall up to 1 metre (3ft 3ins) does not require planning permission, over 2 metres (6ft 6in) does require planning permission wherever situated. Also, please check your deeds to make sure there are no restrictions regarding putting up fences. You will also need to check with the Local Authority that there are no open plan conditions on the property.
Do I need planning permission to install a satellite dish?
Sometimes, it would depend on the size and where you want to put it. Further information and services we offer e.g. planning history check can be found using the below link:
Check if you need planning permission
Check if you need planning permission
If I want to put up or build a garage, do I need planning permission?
Sometimes, it would depend on the size, where it is to be positioned and if the house has been extended before or has any other out buildings. Further information and services we offer e.g. planning history check can be found using the below link:
Check if you need planning permission
check on the planning portal interactive house
Check if you need planning permission
check on the planning portal interactive house
If I use my loft space as a room, do I need planning permission?
Planning permission is not required, however building regulations approval is. If you wish to install a dormer window planning permission may be required. There are also some circumstances where roof lights may require planning permission, so it is always best to check with the Local Authority.
building regulations page
building regulations page
If I want to work from home do I have to have planning permission?
Some work can be done from home without needing planning permission. Further information and services we offer e.g. planning history check can be found using the below link:
Check if you need planning permission
Check if you need planning permission
Can I demolish outbuildings or part of my house?
Planning permission is not required, however if your house is listed or in a conservation area then consent may be required, therefore it is advisable to check with the Local Authority. In all cases please contact Building Control as you may need to provide notice to demolish.
Building Control
Building Control
What can/cannot be taken into account in the determination of a planning application?
There are often lots of planning issues that are taken into account in the determination of an application. These are known as 'material considerations' and may include the following:
Some matters cannot be considered by Planning Officers and these include issues covered by other laws e.g.
Note - these lists are not exhaustive
- design and layout
- planning related comments or objections made by interested parties/consultees
- the council's policies outlined in the Unitary Development Plan, Core Strategy, and Local Plan
- The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
- other planning policies or guidance
- impact on the surrounding area particularly neighbouring properties
- site history/previous appeal decisions
- hours of operations
- likelihood of nuisance (e.g. noise), flooding, impact on highway
- other matters considered relevant to the individual application
Some matters cannot be considered by Planning Officers and these include issues covered by other laws e.g.
- moral issues
- other non-planning related legislation
- financial loss/devaluation of property
- loss of view
- ownership of land/property
- personal circumstances
Note - these lists are not exhaustive
How is a decision reached?
After taking all matters into consideration, including any representations made by the public, the case officer appointed to the application will make a recommendation. This will either be to grant or refuse planning permission. All applications are delegated to the Assistant Director of Development for a decision, apart from a number of exceptions, which are determined by the Planning Committee. These include larger applications and those that are controversial. The committee is made up of 11 councillors. Meetings are held every 4 weeks on Tuesday afternoons at 2pm in the Civic Office. The public may attend the meeting, and may request to speak about a particular application. For further guidance please refer to:
Planning decisions
How the Planning Committee works
Planning decisions
How the Planning Committee works
How long does the whole process take?
Applications are normally determined within either 8 or 13 weeks, depending on the size and complexity of the proposal. An extension to a house would normally be determined within 8 weeks whereas a large housing estate could take longer. If an application is likely to take longer than the target determination period, you will be asked to agree to an Extension of Time by the case officer.
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Last updated: 06 March 2025 16:41:38