Pre-application advice
We encourage applicants and agents to obtain pre-application advice before submitting a formal planning application.
Do it online
Why make a pre-application enquiry?
The submission of a pre-application enquiry enables you to obtain clear, impartial, professional advice, at an early stage, regarding key issues that should be addressed before submitting a formal development proposal.
We aim to provide the pre-application advice you specifically require, proactively tailoring the service to answer the questions you have raised.
Pre-application advice can help to prevent unacceptable schemes from entering the formal planning process (reducing the time and money spent by your professional advisors in working up such proposals in more detail), and will provide you with clear, proactive guidance on what you can do to turn such a scheme into an acceptable one.
Addressing key issues at pre-application stage helps you prepare a higher quality application so we can process it more quickly and give you a decision sooner. As a result, this can assist in speeding up the determination of your planning application and improve the quality of the development proposal.
Pre-application engagement can help you identify and address at an early stage whether specialist advice is necessary (for example about listed buildings, trees, highways, ecology). The submission of complete and accurate applications can greatly assist in providing third parties with a clear and concise development proposal on which to make comments. This can help streamline the consultation and notification process to the benefit of both applicant and third parties alike.
Who can apply?
The pre-application service is open to everyone.
Additional information:
The more information you can provide us, in respect of your proposal, the more detailed advice we will be able to provide to you. In all cases we will require the following as a minimum:
- 1:500 Site plan
- Sketch/outline drawings and elevations
- Any further information you have about the proposal
It maybe necessary for us to ask you for further information for more complex proposals, such as:
- A draft Design and Access Statement
- Site surveys (e.g. Tree, Landscape, Ecology, Archaeology, Noise etc)
- Initial Flood risk assessment
- Any proposed planning obligations identified by yourselves
We will continually monitor the uptake of our discretionary services and balance this with resource availability. If at any point it is felt that the demand exceeds the available resource we shall put measures in place to avoid compromising our service offers.
The following process will take place:
- We will acknowledge your request in writing within 3 working days of receipt and will provide you with a reference number.
- For written advice, we will endeavour to provide a response within 28 days of receipt of the required fee and/or any additional information we have requested from you.
- For the meeting/written response option the case officer will normally contact you within 10 working days of receipt of the required fee and/or any additional information to agree a mutually convenient date and time. You will then receive a written response within 28 days of the meeting having taken place.
- There will be cases where the complexity of the proposed development requires a specific time frame to be agreed with the applicant. On such occasions, the case officer will make contact to explain the reasoning for this and agree a specific timescale for the response.
It will not be possible for us to engage in subsequent informal communications with individuals once we have provided you with a full written response.
What is it going to cost?
- Discretionary Services Fee Schedule 2024 - updated Dec 24
- Download (189KB - PDF)
Payment can only be made via the website when submitting a pre-application submission.
Planning Performance Agreement (PPA)
The Planning Service promotes use of pre-application discussions for all proposals. However, for some major application proposals, entering into a PPA is the best solution as it provides bespoke ongoing advice for the duration of the agreement. Further details of PPAs are outlined in the PPA charter.
- CDC PPA Charter
- Download (601KB - PDF)
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Privacy Notice
The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand the Planning Services privacy notice, which sets out what you need to know about how Doncaster Council will use your information in the course of our work as a Local Planning Authority.
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