Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Register

The Council has set up a register for people who are interested in a self-build or custom-build home in the Doncaster area.

About the register

In accordance with the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 and the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Regulations 2016 Local Authorities are required to research demand for self-build plots in their area. The Council is inviting people considering self-build or custom-build to register their interest with us. If you would like to register please complete our the relevant self build form below (please note that there are different forms if you are an individual or if you are part of a group wishing to submit an interest):

Self Build Register - Individual
Download (254KB)
Self Build Register - Groups
Download (257KB)

Completed forms should be returned via email to:

What is Self-build and Custom build?

Self-build projects are defined as those where someone directly organises the design and construction of their own home. This covers a wide range of projects including a traditional DIY self-build home to projects where the self-builder employs someone to build their home for them. Community-led projects can also be defined as self-build.

Custom build homes are where you work with a developer as an individual or a group to help to realise your own home. The developer may help to find a plot, manage the construction and arrange the finance for your new home. This is more of a hands-off approach but your home will be tailored to match your individual requirements


To be eligible to be entered on the register you must be:

  • aged 18 or over
  • a British citizen, a national of another EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland; and
  • Seeking (either alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in the relevant authority’s area to build a house to occupy as that individuals sole or main residence

What will we do with the register?

This register will for part of the Councils evidence base and help to inform us about the level of demand for self-build and custom build plots in Doncaster. It will assist us in the preparation and implementation of planning policies. It will also help us to develop a strategy for bringing land forward for development and explore ways to support self and custom build.

Entry on the register will not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified or come available. All self-build and custom-build projects will require planning permission and will be assessed on their merits in line with the Councils Local Plan policies and guidance.


Last updated: 02 December 2024 07:16:58

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