Stainforth Neighbourhood Development Plan

Stainforth Town Council Neighbourhood Development Plan

The area covered by the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan can be viewed on the Neighbourhood Plans Interactive Map.

Stainforth Town Council have a dedicated Neighbourhood Plan webpage.

Update from the inspector 

John Slater (BA(Hons) DMS MRTPI FRGS) has been appointed to examine the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan. A number of initial comments have been provided by the examiner for parties to respond to by 24 May 2024 and can be viewed here:

Stainforth Initial comments
Download (199KB - PDF)

The Responses to the examiners initial questions can be viewed here:

City of Doncaster Council Response
Download (404KB - PDF)
Stainforth Town Council Response
Download (5.67MB - PDF)
Gerald Eve (on behalf of Waystone and Hargreaves) Response
Download (204KB - PDF)
Unity Overlay
Download (486KB - PDF)

Habitat Regulation Assessment

To comply with the basic conditionsthe Council has undertaken a Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA). The HRA confirms no policies in Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan are likely to have a significant effect on a European Site. No further work with respect to Habitat Regulations is therefore recommended. The report has been shared with Natural England and their response will be shared when received.

Stainforth Neighbourhood Development Plan HRA Jan 2024
Download (593KB - PDF)
Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan HRA Natural England Response
Download (17KB - PDF)

Regulation 16 Publication of Stainforth Neighbourhood Development Plan - Consultation Closed

Following the completion of Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation and publicity on their Neighbourhood Plan, Stainforth Town Council submitted the following documents to the Local Planning Authority, for examination under part 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended):

Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version
Download (4.12MB - PDF)
Basic Conditions Statement
Download (1.41MB - PDF)
Consultation Statement
Download (1.69MB - PDF)

The Neighbourhood Plan boundary is as per the parish boundary of Stainforth:

Boundary Map
Download (856KB - PDF)

In addition, the following documents have also been submitted in support of the Neighbourhood Plan:

Housing Need and Site Selection Background Paper
Download (802KB - PDF)
Call for Sites Report
Download (445KB - PDF)
Strategic Environmental Assessment Scoping Report
Download (6.49MB - PDF)
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Download (1.23MB - PDF)
Stainforth Businesses Survey
Download (318KB - PDF)

As per regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, a consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents was undertaken. This has now closed but the consultation ran from Thursday 25 January 2024 until Thursday 7 March 2024.

What happens next?

The Council will collect all comments made and provide these alongside the Neighbourhood Plan and accompanying documents to an appointed Neighbourhood Plan examiner, who will assess the Neighbourhood Plan and make one of three recommendations:

  • Refer it to be submitted for referendum; or
  • Refer it to be submitted for referendum subject to modifications; or
  • Refuse the plan

Subject to the plan being recommended to referendum, residents of Stainforth will be able to vote on whether they would like the Neighbourhood Plan to be used to help determine planning applications in the area. Should more than 50% of votes support this, the plan will be formally adopted by the City Council and form part of the development plan for Stainforth.

Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan Update – Regulation 14 (Pre – Submission Consultation and Publicity) and Stainforth Neighbourhood Development Order – Regulation 21 (Pre – Submission Consultation and Publicity)

Stainforth Town Council published their draft Neighbourhood Plan and draft Neighbourhood Development Order for consultation. The consultation ran from 28 March 2022 until 11.59 on 9 May 2022.

The relevant documents are available to view in the following ways:

Neighbourhood Plans, once made, will inform future planning decisions in the local area and help the local community have a greater say in local planning issues. Neighbourhood Development Orders grant permission for specific types of development in the neighbourhood area, and will complement the Neighbourhood Plan.

Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan Call for Sites

Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan undertook a Call for Sites, which will ran until 5pm on 3 September 2021.

Designation of the Neighbourhood Area for the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan – 11 June 2018

As required by Part 2, Regulation 5A (2) of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan area has been designated and covers the whole of the parish of Stainforth.

Designation means that the town council has approval to progress a plan for the designated area and no other parish/town council or Neighbourhood Forum can complete a Neighbourhood Plan for the area.

Application for the designation of the Neighbourhood Area for the Stainforth Neighbourhood Plan

An application has been received from Stainforth Town Council for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area. In accordance with Part 2, Regulation 5 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended) the Town Council have submitted:

  • a map which identifies the area to which the area application relates;
  • a statement explaining why this area is considered appropriate to be designated as a neighbourhood area; and
  • a statement that the organisation or body making the area application is a relevant body for the purposes of section 61G of the 1990 Act.
Stainforth Town Council Boundary
Download (856KB - PDF)
Stainforth Town Council Designation Application
Download (96KB - PDF)
Last updated: 29 May 2024 11:04:40

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