Building Control is responsible for the allocation of postal addresses across the borough.

Detailed guidance notes are attached below.

For street naming and numbering to be initiated the following information is required:

  1. one copy of the site layout plan, A4 size, with plot numbers clearly indicated
  2. suggestions for street names - please see Street Naming & Numbering guidance notes
  3. confirmation of your agreement to meet the cost of providing and fixing street nameplates as required
  4. if the proposed names are ambiguous, please provide details of their origin              

Alternatively you can use the street naming application form below:

Street naming application form
Download (62KB)

For Street Nameplates please contact the Street Lighting Department

Please click on the link on the right to download the application form for ordering the street nameplates :

Contact Building Control for charges on:

  • 01302 734848

The allocation of a house name is permitted but where a numbering scheme is in place it would be additional to that number and not a replacement. In such cases there is no requirement to inform the Council. This is not the case in some parts of the borough where a numbering scheme is not in place. Here any new names need to be checked out by the Council to help avoid duplication or similarity.

For further information, please contact us: 

Last updated: 01 February 2025 10:17:17

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