Thorne was designated a conservation area on 23 December 1968 and its boundary was amended on 4 January 1993.

An appraisal has now been completed which highlights the features that make this area special, as well as including proposals on how to protect the area and its character in the future.

The appraisal was out for consultation between 7 February and 18 March 2011. Local residents, businesses and anyone who has an interest in conservation areas, were urged to come forward and have their say on new proposals set by Doncaster Council to protect this conservation area. The appraisal was finalised June 2011. Since the appraisal was undertaken 1-2 Market Place has been demolished.

The appraisal is available below:

Thorne Central Conservation Area Appraisal - Part I
Download (4.49MB - PDF)
Thorne Central Conservation Area Appraisal - Part II and Appendices
Download (2.31MB - PDF)
Thorne - Map 1 - Origin and Development
Download (807KB - PDF)
Thorne - Map 2 - Positive Features
Download (859KB - PDF)
Thorne - Map 3 - Negative and Neutral Features
Download (790KB - PDF)
Thorne - Map 4 - Views
Download (799KB - PDF)
Thorne - Map 5 - Development Opportunities
Download (2.36MB - PDF)

To view the location of the conservation area, please go to the Heritage Map.

Thorne is a market town located within a flat agricultural plain about ten miles to the north-east of Doncaster. Much of the central core of the town is within the conservation area. The appearance of the area is established by a predominance of small scale residential and commercial properties in the main from the 18th and 19th century, although there are a few significant buildings surviving from earlier.

The market place forms an important heart to the conservation area and is surrounded by many historic buildings that form a positive townscape to the area. There is a limited palette of historic materials, being mainly reddish-brown bricks and red clay pantiles, although there are rendered buildings and there is also some use of slate. Tall brick walls are another important feature especially on Southfield Road and Stonegate. Memorial Park, the churchyards and the grounds of Thorne motte and Thorne academy provide green open spaces within the area. Memorial Park and the grounds of Thorne House abound with mature trees.

Within the conservation area there are 14 listed structures and one listed wall immediately adjacent. All of these, as well as other significant features, are outlined within the appraisal. The listed structures can also be viewed on the Heritage Map which gives the address, grade and reference number of the listed building. The reference number can be used to find the listing description for any individual listed building using the Historic England database. The motte, which lies close to the church of St. Nicholas is a scheduled monument.

Thorne Conservation Area lies within the boundary of the proposed Thorne and Moorends Neighbourhood Plan and will be subject to its policies if adopted. Full details of the proposed plan and its current status can be found at Thorne and Moorends Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Further Information

Further Information about Conservation Areas can be found at Conservation Areas in Doncaster.

If you have any queries about the conservation area contact:
Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU
Tel: 01302 734922 or 735199

Last updated: 30 July 2024 07:23:21

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