Care Leavers - Your independent living skills

Find out what practical support is available to make sure you have the necessary life skills, including self-care, cooking, shopping and laundry and the budgeting that you need.

Independence Support

Your Social Worker and PA are there to support you and prepare for your independence. They will support you to enable you to access the right course at the right level for you.

We want you to be as prepared as possible when you move to live independently for the first time. We will begin to support you develop the skills and knowledge you need to move on from around the age of 16.

We will listen to you to understand what you can already achieve and what you are worried about and together we can put a plan in place to help support you to achieve this.

Things to remember: 

  • Independence is different for each and every one of you.
  • That we can support you better if we know what you are struggling with.

We can better support you better if we know what kind support you require.

There are lots of services available to care leavers in Doncaster. Some are provided by the leaving care team and others are accessed through your GP but, either way, your leaving care case worker will be able to signpost you to the right support. Find services near you.

Keys to My Future

At around 16 years old, you will be supported to access the ‘Key to my Future’ and ‘Key to my Employment’ independence programmes, which have been developed with young people leaving care. These booklets include worksheets and information to help you build your independent living skills and budgeting skills, and the support you may need when you are in your own home. As you complete them you will be able gain an AQA unit award for your achievements.

For more information email

Things to remember: 

  • We will work with you to support your learning needs and styles.
  • If there are things you feel could be added to the programmes then you can suggest them.

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Last updated: 31 August 2022 22:16:45

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