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Child Employment
Young people who have part time jobs often find it is a positive and rewarding experience. Many young people have part time jobs and The City of Doncaster Council want to make sure the jobs they do are safe and have no impact on their education or health and well-being.
Information about Child Employment
A young person is employed if they assist in any trade or occupation for profit, whether or not they receive pay or reward. This also applies if the parent is the employer. The council provides information to parents, young people and employers about child employment. Employers must ensure that young people are registered with the Local Authority where they are employed and have a permit.
Risk Assessments & Insurance
A risk assessment regarding the work to be undertaken by the young person must be carried out prior to them starting work. A copy should be provided to the parents about the risk and control measures involved. Employers should also be aware that they ensure that the appropriate employers liability insurance cover is in place. Employers are responsible for the Health & Safety and Welfare of the children they employ and must make sure they have appropriate clothing and footwear for the work they are doing. Parents, carers and young people can report any concerns to us.
Appropriate Working Hours
Child Employment Law covers both the minimum age a young person can be employed and the number of hours in which they can work.
A young person cannot work:
- Before 7am
- After 7pm
- More than 12 hours per week during term time
A 13 or 14 year old:
- Can work a maximum of 5 hours on a Saturday and 2 hours on a Sunday
- Can work up to 25 hours per week during school holidays
A 15 or 16 year old:
- Can work a maximum of 8 hours on a Saturday and 2 hours on a Sunday
- Can work up to 35 hours per week during school holidays
All school age children must have a 1 hour break if they have worked continuously for 4 hours and must have at least 2 consecutive weeks off from employment that must be taken during school holidays.
In order to ensure the Health and Safety of young people, The City of Doncaster Council's Bylaws provide information as to the types of employment that a young person is prohibited from undertaking. Any job that can cause harm or injury is not allowed. This includes but is not exhaustive to:
- Selling cigarettes or medicines
- Being involved in gambling
- Selling/canvassing door to door
- Using dangerous machinery
- Working in a butchers, a slaughterhouse or delivering milk
- Working in telephone sales
- Working in a warehouse or factory
- Working in a theatre, cinema or nightclub
- Working in an amusement arcade or fairground
- Working in a commercial kitchen
- Collecting money
- Working 3 metres or more above ground level
This list is not exhaustive and for further clarification on whether a young person can be employed in a particular type of work, please contact the Attendance and Pupil Welfare Service.
Child Employment Permits
Employers must ensure that young people are registered with the Local Authority where they are employed and have a permit. A child employment application online form must be completed for every school age child an employer has working for them. This includes young people that are volunteering and those in paid work. A form also needs to be completed by the child’s parent/guardian. The Local Authority can prosecute employers if they do not register their school age employees, employ school age people in a prohibited occupation and/or allow such young people to work outside the hours allowed by the law. Under no circumstances can a child work without a permit.
Termination of Child Employment
All children of compulsory school age who have a part time job, must be registered with this Local Authority by their Employer. This ensures that all these children are fully protected by the law and by the regulations that safeguard their best interests. Each young person has a permit issued to confirm that the employment is deemed to be suitable, and you hold a copy of this permit, as the employer.
As part of the Local Authority’s monitoring procedures, Employers are expected to provide information when requested to confirm the details of those children currently employed for whom a permit has been issued. This also includes any children that are employed on a voluntary basis. Similarly, the Local Authority requires notification of when a child leaves the employment for which they are licensed. Please complete the form below to confirm all children currently in your employment, making note of any who are no longer working for you.
Please see the below links for the Child Employment Permit Applications. PLEASE NOTE An application needs completing by both the employer and the child's parent/guardian. The application will be put on hold until both sections are completed fully.
Please complete and submit the relevant forms 2 weeks prior to the young person commencing work.
IMPORTANT - To complete the above Application Forms you will need a MyDoncaster Account. Please follow this link to create an account:
MyDoncaster Account - City of Doncaster Council
More Information
Downloads & Resources
- A Guide to Child Employment
- Download (4.91MB - PDF)
- Doncaster Council Bylaws
- Download (83KB - PDF)
- Child Employment Leavers Form Jul 2024
- Download (81KB - DOC)
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