If you are worried about a child and wish to speak to someone, you can contact us by calling 01302 737777 between 8:30am and 5pm, Monday to Friday
Outside of these hours call 01302 796000.
More information can be found here.
Requesting an urgent placement
If you are requesting an urgent placement email – fosteringandadoption@doncaster.gov.uk
General enquiries or to speak your social worker call: 01302 736000
General enquiries
We welcome your comments about any part of our services. Please do so by emailing geneenq@doncaster.gov.uk or calling 01302 736000.
Your feedback on our services
If you are unhappy about our services please send us the details on this web form
Visit our 'Tell us your views' for more information on how to share your views with us.
Media enquiries
If you are a journalist please contact us on: 01302 734385 or email: Communications@doncaster.gov.uk
Contacting us via mail
You can contact us at the following address:
Colonnades House
Duke Street