Developing your Anti-Bullying Policy

Successful schools have policies in place to deal with bullying and poor behaviour which are clear to parents, pupils and staff so that, when incidents do occur, they are dealt with quickly.

Successful schools have policies in place to deal with bullying and poor behaviour which are clear to parents, pupils and staff so that, when incidents do occur, they are dealt with quickly. However a school chooses to define bullying for the purposes of its own behaviour policy, it should be clearly communicated and understood by pupils, parents, and staff. Successful schools create an environment that prevents bullying from being a serious problem in the first place.

We do not provide a 'pro-forma' anti-bullying policy, as we feel that it is important for schools to have ownership of their own policies by involving the whole school community in the creation process. Below is the content analysis we use to ensure policies contain the most important pieces of information and you can use this to score your own policy and to highlight which areas may need a little work.

Resources - Developing your Anti-Bullying Policy

For advice please refer to the national websites of the Anti-bullying Alliance and Stonewall

Last updated: 08 March 2021 14:42:05

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