Doncaster Education, Health and Care Plan Hub

On the 18th April 2024, the online Doncaster Education, Health, and Care (EHC) Hub was launched. The EHC Hub will transform communication enabling families, education settings and SEND Professionals to collaborate with complete transparency on assessments, plans and reviews. This page will continue to be updated based on questions asked.

 This page contains Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) for:

FAQs for Parents

Do I need an account on the EHC Hub to request an assessment?

No, a request for assessment can be submitted to the local authority without an EHC Hub account log in. Once you’ve made a request, and provided you’ve included your email address, the Local Authority will invite you to register an account to contribute further information and track the progress of your request. 

Will I receive updates on my child’s case?

Yes, you will receive an email whenever a stage is complete, or you’re requested to provide information or views. 

Do I have to use the EHC Hub?

Not if you do not wish to. Your views, contributions and all other available information and details of progress can be provided with the assistance of the SENCo in your child’s education setting or the case co-ordinator within the Local Authority. 

Is the EHC Hub secure and who can see my child’s details?

The hub is secured by two factor authentication and offers the same level of protection as would be expected of online banking services. Access to any child or young person’s details is by invitation only and controlled by the local authority. When viewing your child’s information, you can see the names of all other parties that have been invited to view or contribute towards the case. 

How do I know what should be happening next and by when?

Next steps and key dates are clearly displayed in the hub at all stages of the process. 

If my child already has a plan, can we use the EHC Hub?

Yes. Your child’s plan will be reviewed using the hub so you can contribute and track progress. Please be aware Doncaster are just in the process of adding all the profiles to the hub and therefore you may not be able to access this straight away. You will receive notification when your child's profile is available to view via the Doncaster EHC Hub.

FAQs for Professionals 

Your Questions

How do I get my log in for the Education, Health and Care Plan Hub?

You should have received an email prompt from the system asking you to log in prior to the Go Live date (18th April 2024) so keep a look out in your emails! If you have not received this, please email the Doncaster EHC Hub inbox and a member of the team will support to get you set up on the system.

How do I get a log in if I am new to the role?

Please email the Doncaster EHC Hub inbox ( to request a log in to the Hub.

My log in doesn’t work for the EHC Hub, what do I do?

Don’t worry, there is a password reset link on the home page of The Hub. If you are still having issues after using the reset links, please email the Doncaster EHC Hub inbox and a member of the team will support to get you set up on the system.

Will I be able to submit a new request for assessment from the 18th April 2024?

Yes, from the 18th April 2024 you will be able to complete the online form to request a Statutory Assessment. If you submit a request in the "old way" after the 18th April 2024, you will be contacted to add it to the online hub.

How will I know if the young peoples profiles in my setting are ready?

When you have been allocated to a profile by the Special Educational Needs Team you will receive an email and you will be able to see the young people in your live cases.. Please do not worry if you cannot see all the young people straight away as these are being uploaded based on the last annual review date and the aim is to have all profiles set up by September 2024.

How will the profiles be rolled out?

Young peoples profiles are being uploaded into the system right now, however, as you can appreciate this is a HUGE job, so we have decided to upload them based on their last annual review date. This will allow us to get profiles ready for you prior to your next annual review date.

Why can I only see the young persons personal details, outcomes and provision on their profile?

Profiles have been uploaded based on the last annual review / Education, Health and Care Plan, (the most recent). As these young people are due a review, strengths, needs and any other up to date information can be inputted by yourselves as part of the review to ensure the profile holds the most up to date information. 

Can I change the picture on the young person’s profile?

Please do! If the young person doesn’t like having their picture taken, upload something they like, cake, football.. it makes the profile more personalised for the young person.

What happens if I notice some of the outcomes / provisions are out of date now?

You can update this as part of the annual review process.

Who is responsible for updating Section A, particularly the My Story section? Will schools have access to this or will this only be open for parents to comment on before the review?

Both parents and professionals will have access to review Section A of the EHCP.

Will Section D (Care) be open for school to comment for all pupils? We are lead practitioner for Early Help for quite a few and have some pupils with historical short breaks that need adding to their EHCPs.

Yes, you will be able to access all areas of the EHCP to make any amendments as part of the review.

I need some support with the Annual Review Process...

On the Hub, there is a help section and you will be able to access user guides and short videos from this section. If you still have questions, please contact your SEND Coordinator.

FAQs for Settings

Which child or young person’s details can I view?

Any case where the case co-ordinator has granted access to you, by name, or to your education setting.

Can a draft request for assessment be transferred from one person to another?

No, a request for assessment that has not yet been submitted is only visible to the person who started the request. However, if a request has been started but is no longer required, it can be deleted.

Do I retain access to a request for assessment after it has been submitted?

There will be a period immediately after submitting a request when it will not be visible to the requester. However, this is just to allow the Local Authority to process the request and allocate a case co-ordinator. Access to the request and case details can then be granted by the case co-ordinator.

Can a parent edit information that I enter under identified areas of need?

No, but they will be able to read what is entered.

If a child or young person, or their parent, carer or guardian, are unable to provide views to support a request or assessment for themselves, can I enter their views or upload documents or images on their behalf?

Yes. At the request stage, assessment stage and during a review, there is space to provide their views.

Can I manage a review of an EHC Plan and submit the report of recommendations?

Yes, provided the case co-ordinator has given your education setting access to the child or young person’s case. 

Can I be requested to provide advice towards an assessment or views ahead of a review?


FAQs for Contributors

Which child or young person’s details can I view?

Any case that meets at least one of the following conditions:
  • Where you have been asked to provide advice towards an assessment which you have not yet completed
  • Where you have provided advice towards an assessment and until a period after the EHC Plan has been issued (a ‘grace period’ is normally 60 days but can vary by local authority)
  • When you have been invited to a review meeting and the review process is in progress
  • Where you have been asked to provide views ahead of a review meeting which you have not yet completed
  • Where you have provided views ahead of a review meeting, the EHC Plan is amended at the end of the review and until a period after the EHC Plan has been amended (the ‘grace period’ is normally 60 days but can vary by local authority)

If I’m requested to provide advice towards an assessment, when is the advice due?

Six weeks from the date of the request. If allocated to provide advice within a team, the deadline remains six weeks even if the allocation within the team is completed later than the date of the request for advice.

Will I be reminded of the deadline?

Yes, a notification will be provided to the individual and team within the EHC Hub and by email if advice is not provided after four weeks. A further notification is provided it the request becomes overdue.

How are team requests for advice at the assessment stage and team requests for information ahead of a review meeting allocated to team members?

Designated “managers” within the team can log in to the EHC Hub and choose one or more team member to provide advice on behalf of the team.

How can a team see requests for advice at the assessment stage and team requests for information ahead of a review meeting that require allocation?

Designated “managers” have access to a “Team Cases” work tray and includes a filter for “Awaiting Allocation” to quickly access those requests that require attention.

Can I read responses from other teams or individuals requested to provide advice at the assessment stage or requested to provide information ahead of a review meeting?

Yes, provided you have first submitted your own response.

Can I download a copy of advice or information that I have submitted?

Yes, advice and information can be downloaded before and after it has been submitted to the local authority.

Who can read the advice and information that I submit on the EHC Hub?

Everyone with access to the child or young person’s case will be able to read your submitted advice and information for that child or young person. The case co-ordinator, education setting, SENCo(s) and young person, parent, carer, guardian or advocate are listed in the case sidebar. Other professionals across education, health and social care will be listed under requests for advice (Assessment stage) or requests for information (Contribute Views stage of review) depending on the case’s current stage.

General FAQs

What happens if I forget my password?

There is a link on the hub’s homepage to securely reset your password at any time.

How do I access my account if I change, or lose, the device that I use for two factor authentication?

An administrator of the EHC Hub can reset your two factor authentication settings. Next time you log in to your account, you shall be prompted to set up two factor authentication with your new device.

Can individuals be blocked from accessing the EHC Hub? For example, a person changes job which means they should no longer have access.

Yes, an administrator of the EHC Hub can suspend a user’s account which prevents that person from being able to log in. Suspended accounts can be reactivated, if needed.

Who can edit a system template (email notifications, letters and the EHC Plan)?

An administrator of the EHC Hub can make changes to system templates. Any change that is applied to a template and saved will take effect from the next time that template is used.

Can a person’s given role in the EHC Hub be changed?

Unfortunately not. This is because the permissions that are integral to how a person can search for and engage with cases is controlled by the type of role that is assigned to a person’s account in the EHC Hub. If a change of role is necessary, please discuss your options with an administrator of the EHC Hub.




Last updated: 10 June 2024 10:12:23

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