Early Help - Professionals
Early Help is not a service but a way of thinking and working. It is a collaborative approach between services with families that provides support as soon as a need is identified.
What is Early Help?
Early Help is focused on prevention, early intervention, and the provision of support for families to prevent or reduce the need for statutory services. There are also examples in which it can prevent further challenges arising, for example if Early Help is provided as part of a support plan when a child or young person has returned home from a period of care or protection under Children’s Social Care. By working with families to identify their strengths, Early Help is focused on building resilience and creating sustainable change that enables families to overcome any future challenges. The Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 document outlines the key benefit of working in partnership with families to provide Early Help by promoting the welfare of children rather than reactive measures.
Families give consent for Early Help. To help practitioners talk to families about their needs, explain and offer Early Help we have created a leaflet with consent form and a video. The leaflet is immediately below and the video at the bottom of this page.
- Parent Carer Leaflet Early Help
- Download (4.14MB - PDF)
Early Help in Doncaster
Early Help in Doncaster is an interconnected system of services, tools and resources working at level 2 targeted and level 3 complex thresholds. Every Child that needs Early Help has a Lead Practitioner who will undertake a holistic and whole family Early Help Assessment in partnership with the child, their family, and other services the family know; this will inform their whole family action plan. The families Lead Practitioner will work closely with the family and other organisations to provide and coordinator help. Team Around the Family review meetings are held around every 6 weeks to ensure progress is being made and the child and family are happy with the help they are receiving.
Our 9 Commitments:
- Never do nothing
- Build stronger relationships
- Always build on strengths
- Work with families for as long as it takes
- Empower families and communities
- Be transparent
- Be flexible
- Work together
- Ensure accountability at every level
We also provide support to families at level 1 universal, known as Local Help through our Your Family Locality Triage's. Your Family Locality Triage's provide advice and guidance or additional help from services in the community such as health, St Leger Homes, Police and many more who all work together on issues in your community without the need for assessment or formal pathways.
Read our Early Help Strategic Impact Report 2023-24 in the documents below for more information about how families were helped last year.
Early Help Outcomes Framework -Outcomes Want to Achieve
We want every child in Doncaster to reach their full potential, be safe, healthy and happy. To achieve this we follow our Early Help Outcomes Framework:
The 10 headline outcomes are:
- Getting a good education
- Good early years development
- Improved mental and physical health
- Promoting recovery and reducing harm from substance use
- Improved family relationships
- Children safe from abuse and exploitation
- Crime prevention and tackling crime
- Safe from domestic abuse
- Secure housing
- Financial stability
Think Family -Our Whole Family Approach to Understanding and Meeting Needs
We want Doncaster to have thriving children, young people and families. To achieve this a ‘think family’ approach to our Early Help and safeguarding work is essential. We know that some families at times have difficulties in their lives, and we recognise that to support families, we need to work with, and understand, all members of the family. The ‘Whole Family Approach’ provides children and adults with the tools they need to overcome challenges. Some services are already working within a ‘Whole Family Approach’ and we want to ensure that this is embedded in all services and agencies across Doncaster. The diagram below outlines the different elements of the approach.
Continuum of Need
In Doncaster we have recently introduced a new continuum of need, shown below for reference, to ensure consistent understanding of needs across the system and the level of support required by children, young people, and families. Multi Agency Threshold Training is provided by Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Partnership via BuyDoncaster website: https://buy.doncaster.gov.uk/Training
Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Partnership website has lots of useful information and documents for Practitioners including the Early Help Strategy and Multi-Agency Threshold of Need document and Levels of Need: https://dscp.org.uk/professionals and a video to explain this: https://youtu.be/mCq_cF2Sgf4
Beginning the Early Help Process:
If a family has agreed to Early Help and you would like the Early Help pathway opened to you as Lead Practitioner, make contact your local Early Help Coordinator directly or via their duty line: 01302 736250 or earlyhco@doncaster.gov.uk
If a family has agreed to Early Help and you are unsure who is the appropriate Lead Practitioner, or believe the family would benefit from this being a worker from specialist service, please phone the Early Help Hub duty line on 01302 734110.
Practitioner Support:
Some practitioners undertake the Lead Practitioner role as a regular part of their day-to-day functions; others practitioners occasionally or rarely do this. We provide a range of support to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to be an effective lead practitioner, whatever your role. We also provide information and guidance about Early Help in Doncaster useful for practitioners who are part of Teams Around the Family; or those in contact with children and families.
We have created two guides to help practitioners understand what early help is and how to provide this well.
The Early Help Practice Guide explain in a clear way what a Lead Practitioner does, the assess, plan, do, review process, how to undertake an Early Help Assessment and lead a Team Around the Family meeting.
- Early Help Practitioner Guide
- Download (10MB - PDF)
The Early Help Practice Framework explains the practice approaches used in Doncaster, the way we work with children and families, the tools and resources we use, and why, in straightforward way. We provide information about training and links to more information.
- Early Help Practice Framework
- Download (8.32MB - PDF)
Early Help Coordinators
• Case advice
• Thresholds case mapping and step up support
• Case management, case recording and time frames
• Case audits • Training delivery
• Duty line and email
• Screening within MASH and Your Family Locality Triage
Early Help Coordinator Duty phone and email lines:
Telephone: 01302 736250
- Early Help in Doncaster an introduction
- Being a Lead Practitioner and working with Families
- Managing Engagement
- Early Help Outcomes Framework
- Early Help and Neglect
- Supervision for Early Help
- Reducing Parental Conflict
- Parenting Cooperatively for Separated Parents
- Outcome Star
- Parent Carer Needs Assessment
- Neurological Pathway
We work closely with partners to support delivery of:
• Multi Agency Threshold of Needs
• Graded Care Profile 2 (NSPCC)
Further information
Families Information Service provides information, advice and guidance for parents, carers, practitioners, children and young people on a wide range of services and activities/events available in Doncaster and beyond: https://www.doncaster.gov.uk/services/schools/families-information-service-fis
Information and support for adults, young people and children to live happy, healthy lives, and discover what is available in your local communities via the Your Life website: www.yourlifedoncaster.co.uk
More information about Early Help and related areas is available via Doncaster Children's Safeguarding Partnership (DCSP) website: https://dscp.org.uk/
- Early Help
- Neglect
- Multi Agency Audits
- Policies and Procedures
- Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
Early Help Quality Mark: Recognise and Celebrate your Early Help Offer
The Early Help Quality Mark recognises the good practice of organisations providing Early Help to children and their families in Doncaster. The award considers the quality of organisations Early Help activity within five key areas:
Promotion of and Engagement in Early Help process; Embedding Child and Family Voice in the Early Help Process; Case Management; Whole Service Approach to providing Early Help; and Staff Development.
The award is gained by evidencing the activity organisations are already undertaking in the most simple, straightforward and convenient means, such as photo’s, video or audio recordings, shared policies and other documents; a short case study; and brief visit to the organisation. Organisations can gain the award to demonstrate they embrace, achieve, or exceed in their provision of Early Help.
The award process:
- Organisations express interest in gaining Early Help Quality Mark: EarlyHCo@doncaster.gov.uk
- Early Help Manager contacts the organisation to register the organisation and create shared file for evidence to be stored
- Organisation gathers evidence with guidance and support from Early Help Manager
- Early Help Manager makes short visit to organisation, dip samples organisation Early Help case files and speaks with nominated families
- Early Help Manager shares evidence with the Parent Panel who make award decision.
- Organisation notified and presented with award.
More information about the award is available in the Early Help Quality Mark booklet in the resources section below.
Worried About A Child?
Local Help: Low level support, quick intervention linking the family into local services & support when everyday issues become difficult; for example help with benefits advice, financial, housing, and community issues, and much more. With family consent contact your local Your Place team on: Central 01302 736409; East 01302 736336; North 01302 736787; and South 01302 736644.
Early Help: The coordinated help provided to children and their families to prevent problems from becoming bigger; this could be for any issue but may be around health, development, behaviour, education, parenting, relationships, conflict and much more. With family consent contact the Early Help Coordinator team on: 01302 736250 if you would like to become the families Lead Practitioner; or the Early Help Hub within MASH on 01302 734110 if you are unsure who is the appropriate Lead Practitioner for the family or believe a worker from a specialist service is best suited.
CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) are services that support young people with their mental health. If you believe a child or young person is struggling with their mental health please contact: 01302 796191
Social Care: If you are worried about a child or believe a child to be at risk of any kind of harm please select social care. Social services have a statutory obligation to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable children and can provide a wide range of services to children and their parents, usually within the own home environment and co-ordinated by a social worker. If you are worried about a child because they are at risk of harm and wish to speak to someone, you can contact Doncaster Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by calling 01302 737777 in the evening or at weekends call 01302 796000.
Always call 999 if someone is in immediate danger.
Downloads & Resources
- DES-1034-Early-Help-Strategy-v02 final
- Download (5.88MB - PDF)
- Early Help Strategy Impact Report 2023-2024
- Download (9.78MB - PDF)
- DES-1679 Help Quality Mark Booklet
- Download (4.74MB - PDF)
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