International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Creating new childcare places and expanding existing provision
Doncaster Council plays a strategic role in the planning, maintaining and supporting the creation of new childcare places.
Effective management of the childcare market will ensure there are sufficient, sustainable, affordable, quality childcare places that are responsive to the needs of parents and children. Doncaster’s vision includes: “A thriving and diverse market in childcare offering a choice of high quality places” The childcare market is currently diverse, which enables parents to be able to choose from a range of quality local options from either school provision or the private, voluntary/community childcare sector. Doncaster values this diversity of provision and will encourage and sustain it.
Sustainability and high quality in a business go hand in hand. Not only does it ensure the continuity of care and services to families through the childcare provision being a sustainable business with affordable fees: it improves the outcomes for children; narrows the gap in attainment; helps to prepare them for school; and is inclusive and flexible to meet families’ needs.
The Access to Learning Service, acknowledges the importance of ensuring that childcare provision in Doncaster is sustainable. The staff employed within nurseries, playgroups, out of school provision and by a childminder, need to have confidence that the childcare service they work in, will continue. For parents it is key that they can make a reliable choice of childcare provider so they are confident in their ability to achieve a good work / life balance. All of these aspects ultimately support the family through: the continuity of care for the children; the formation of strong attachments; and emotional stability.
Creation of New Provision:
It is essential that prospective new childcare providers in Doncaster are able to start their new childcare business on a strong foundation of best practice and with an understanding of the issues relating to sustainability.
Existing Childcare Provision:
A range of support, advice and information is available to existing childcare providers that are considering creating additional childcare places or have concerns about the sustainability of their current childcare business.
A key aim in the work with schools, current childcare providers and potential new providers is to empower individuals, community groups and organisations to enable them to achieve their goals within Doncaster’s childcare market. The main factors that underpin a sustainable business are:
- Strategic Planning
- Financial Awareness
- Management and Leadership
- Market Research and On-going Consultation
- Marketing
- Quality
Contact Information
For further information or support on all aspects of childcare business sustainability please contact: