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Independent Travel Training
Independent Travel Training is a service that can offer a young person training and support if they want to learn how to travel independently between home and school or college. Travelling independently opens up social, educational and employment opportunities. This service is provided by City of Doncaster Council at no charge to schools, colleges, parents or carers.
Who is the training for?
The training is for young people living in Doncaster who have a disability and/or learning difficulty and who attend school or college. The programme is open to young people who meet the eligibility criteria for assisted travel to school/college.
Who can apply for Independent Travel Training?
- Parents/carers
- Schools (Mainstream/special or specialist units)
- Colleges
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Officers
Why take part in Independent Travel Training?
It will help a young person to learn the skills needed to make the journey between home and school or college independently, either on foot, bus or train.
What is gained from the training?
The aim of the training is to allow a young person to travel independently when they are ready and their skills have improved. They will be encouraged to travel on buses and trains as soon as they are ready to do so.
Training can help a young person gain:
- Confidence using buses
- Road safety skills
- The skills to travel to their school or college
- The ability to plan and learn a route
- Travel skills that will help them to access social and leisure opportunities
- The ability to handle money
- Tips on who to ask for help
- Personal safety skills
Where will the training take place?
Training is delivered by a travel buddy on a 1:1 basis and is tailored to a young person’s needs. The training is delivered in ‘real time’ on a pre-approved route. A travel buddy will stay with them while they practise their journeys from home to school or college. We will keep their parent or carer informed of their progress at all times. We can arrange to meet with them at home to discuss further if needed.
How long does the training take?
All training is personalised to meet their needs. A record of their progress is kept by the travel buddy. We will keep their parent or carer informed of their progress at all times. The safety and welfare of all pupils and students using the Independent Travel Training Scheme is of paramount importance. They will not be ‘signed off’ to begin travelling independently to school or college until the Travel Buddy agrees that they are ready to do so.
Will training have an effect on current transport arrangements?
Not until they complete the training, their transport arrangements will stay the same to begin with.
What happens when the training is completed?
Once a young person feels confident that they are able to make the journey between home and school or college independently, they will be expected to make future journeys on their own. Any dedicated taxi or other transport will be cancelled when the candidate and their Travel Buddy feel confident that the trainee can travel independently.
Who can I contact to discuss the Independent Travel Training Programme?
If you require further information, you can contact the Independent Travel Training Team via:
Telephone: 01302 736316
Downloads & Resources
- 00. ITT Referral Form updated dfo-1
- Download (214KB - DOC)
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