Information for Childcare Professionals
Please see below information for childcare professionals in Doncaster
- 2, 3 & 4 Year Old Funded Provider Information
- Becoming a Childminder
- Childcare Sustainability Toolkit
- Expansion of Existing Childcare Places / Creating New Childcare Places
- Policies, Procedures & Guidance for Childcare Professionals
- Securing Sufficient Childcare
- Health Resources for Early Years Providers
- Check Early Years Qualifications
Short films by Ofsted
Ofsted have produced four short films about early years which you can view below:
- What happens on an early years inspection?
- What happens if someone complains about me?
- How do I register as an early years provider?
- What do I need to tell Ofsted about?
Advertise Jobs in your Childcare Setting
As part of the Department for Education’s early years recruitment campaign, early years providers can upload job opportunities in their setting to the Find a job website. See the guidance below for further information.
- DWP Find a Job instructions
- Download (130KB - PDF)
NASEN Mini Guide
Please see link below for a really useful mini guide from NASEN about Identifying and Supporting children with SEND in a childminder setting, a helpful document giving a brief overview of your obligations as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
Identifying and Supporting Children with SEND in the Early Years: Childminders
If this is an area you feel you need further support with you can access the ‘Role of Senco for Childminders’ training through Buy Doncaster which is delivered in an evening by the Early Years Inclusion Team. As always if you need any advice/support for a child with SEND in your setting, please do not hesitate to contact the Early Years Inclusion Team on 01302 862104.
Childcare Works Business Tool Kits
The Childcare Works toolkits bring together everything you need to grow, sustain and start childcare provision. With content curated by experts, you will find a wealth of useful and relevant information, all in one place.
The toolkits contain information specific to operating childcare provision, plus general information for businesses, childminders and charities, including expert marketing, HR and leadership and management, partnership working and more.
Content is organised into six ‘topics’ with each topic divided into sub-topics:
- Business Planning
- Business Growth
- Running of Your Childcare Provision
- Leadership and Management
- Partnership Working
- SEND and Inclusive Practice
Access the Wraparound Toolkit - Wraparound Childcare Toolkit | from Childcare Works
Access the Early Years Toolkit - Early Years Toolkit | from Childcare Works
Supervised Tooth Brushing in Early Years Settings
Please see below all the information you need to carry out supervised tooth brushing with children aged 2 to 5 years old in your settings. This also includes the ‘toolkit’ so please take some time to familiarise yourselves with this and all the other documents.
Please could you also fill out the ‘setting agreement form’ and return it to Public Health -
If you require any other resources, there are many companies that you can use but we use AMS International.
Supervised Tooth Brushing in Early Years Settings Documents
- DMBC Healthy Eating Guide
- Download (4.34MB)
- Supervised Tooth Brushing Toothbrush Replacement Register
- Download (14KB)
- Supervised Tooth Brushing Monitoring Form 1 Year
- Download (14KB)
- Supervised Tooth Brushing Toolkit
- Download (793KB)
- Supervised Tooth Brushing Consent Form
- Download (26KB)
- Supervsied Tooth Brushing Parent Letter Template
- Download (14KB)
- Supervised Tooth Brushing Monitoring Form 3 Months
- Download (14KB)
- Supervised Tooth Brushing Setting Agreement Form
- Download (27KB)
Downloads & Resources
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