The Junior Civic Mayor is a child in year 5 that attends a local primary school in Doncaster. As part of their role they work alongside Doncaster Council’s Civic Mayor and attend high profile events throughout the year representing the city and children in Doncaster. The Junior Civic Mayor also works closely with the Primary Ambassadors championing children's voice in Doncaster, attending meetings and getting involved in campaigns that matter to children and young people.


Doncaster Junior Civic Mayor 2023/24

Our current Junior Civic Mayor is Maria Jacobs, Maria was chosen for the role because of her; passion and drive to improve Doncaster's environment; her confidence and her determination to make sure our local Children's voices are heard.

You can find out about the exciting things she is involved in on Twitter: @YourVoiceDonca1 


Find out more information below:


The Junior Civic Mayor will:

  • Be a year 4 pupil at the time of application
  • Serve a term of office from October - August
  • Be Confident, Enthusiastic, Kind, Passionate and Determined.
  • Be the face and voice of children in Doncaster
  • Attend events alongside the Civic Mayor
  • Be supported by their school and their family
  • Drive and influence change


The following are examples of events that the Junior Civic Mayor will attend throughout their term of office:
  • Children and Families Forum Events 
  • Citizenship Ceremonies
  • Family Fun Days/Carnivals/Music Festivals
  • Openings of New/Refurbished Shops, Establishments
  • 100 Year Birthday Celebrations of Local Residents
  • Pride
  • Military Events
  • Memorial Services
  • Remembrance Events
  • Christmas Light Switch On
  • Christmas Carol Services


Check out our video when the Junior Civic Mayor, Primary Ambassadors, and members of Youth Council and Young Advisors were all invited to the Mansion House in Doncaster to welcome King Charles and Queen Consort to confer our new city status!

How to Apply

The application process starts just before summer - to find out how to apply please email

Privacy Notice

The link below will take you to the privacy notice that has been created for the purposes of Junior Civic Mayor. The privacy notice tells you about data protection obligations and handling your information securely.


If you would like to find out more about the work of the Primary Ambassadors please contact or follow us on Twitter Your Voice Doncaster (@YourVoiceDonca1) / Twitter


Last updated: 29 May 2024 10:13:09

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