International airport expertise secured to reopen Doncaster’s airport
Looked After Children Pupil Premium (Plus) Grant
The grant allocation of the LAC Pupil Premium Plus is managed by the Virtual School Head in the authority which looks after the children. For the 2024-25 financial year, the DfE have allocated local authorities a provisional amount of £2570 per eligible child aged 4 to 15 years, as per the Pupil Premium Plus 2024 to 2025: conditions of grant.
The agreed use of the Pupil Premium Plus grant for each eligible child is recorded on the electronic Personal Education Plan. ePEP.
Doncaster processes for the allocation of LAC Pupil Premium Plus funding:
New into Care Children
Mainstream Schools
Across each academic year, Pupil Premium Plus is allocated for Children in Care in two equal amounts on successful completion of the ePEP.
An allocation of up to £950 will be paid to the school for each eligible pupil, upon completion and sign off of the current education plan ePEP by the Virtual School team.Independent Specialist schools and Alternative Providers
Across each academic year, Pupil Premium Plus is allocated for Children in Care in two equal amounts on successful completion of the ePEP.
These settings need to demonstrate that the interventions being funded are over and above those which have been agreed will be provided within the commissioned placement. The school must use the ePEP to identify how they will use Pupil Premium Plus to ensure the pupil achieves their SMART targets to receive the allocation of up to £950.Additional funding requests
Again, the education provider must demonstrate how the interventions being funded are over and above those which are available to all students and part of their universal or commissioned offers of support and fall outside any bursary scheme.
Agreed funding will not be paid until the Post-16 ePEP has been signed off by the Virtual School.
Additional information
Children educated in Doncaster but looked after by another local authority, will have their Pupil Premium Plus paid through the authority that looks after them, not by Doncaster.
Pupil Premium Plus Strategy for 2024 to 2025
- Pupil Premium Plus PEP Strategy May 24
- Download (39KB - DOCX)
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