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Ofsted - safeguarding requirements
Ofsted and inspection partners carry out all the required checks for staff who visit nurseries, childminders, schools and colleges as part of an inspection.
This includes appropriate employment checks and an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) disclosure.
All HMI, Regulatory and Additional Inspectors carry official Ofsted photo identification badges so that schools and other providers know they have passed these rigorous safeguarding checks.
Ofsted Inspectors work to government legislation and statutory guidance, which is based on the Department for Education's Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education.
Ofsted offer:
- Ofsted Safeguarding children and young people and young vulnerable adults policy
- Download (292KB - PDF)
Ofsted safeguarding publications
Ofsted safeguarding publications
Ofsted provides useful guidance for all schools on a number of safeguarding areas. All schools are advised to keep up to date with the Ofsted publications by searching `safeguarding` on a regular basis.
Ofsted Inspections of maintained schools
Ofsted inspection of maintained schools
All schools are advised to keep up to date with the latest Ofsted framework and handbooks for Inspection.
Whistleblowing to Ofsted about safeguarding in local authority Children's Services
This document is Ofsted’s external whistleblowing policy and outlines our processes and procedures for dealing with whistleblowing referrals about a local authority’s safeguarding arrangements.