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Personal Budgets for Children
Personal budgets and personalisation allow people who need support to have more choice and control about how they are provided. Personalisation does not involve additional pots of money but rather using resources more flexibly where appropriate.
Doncaster Council has been an "early adopter" of social care personal budgets. Where parents have been assessed as needing a short break, the arrangements for short breaks have been increasingly personalised and this often includes the use of direct payments. It will continue to be the case that where there is an assessed need for a short break or other social care need that this will still be provided under the Children's Act 1989 and associated regulations and this will usually be within a personal budget and in many cases using direct payments. These can still be accessed whether there is an Education, Health and Care Plan or not.
The Children and Families Act 2014 introduces personal budgets across Education and Health, which can be combined with social care personal budgets. The wider scope of a personal budget will only be available where an Education, Health and Care Plan is in place. Personal budgets will not be appropriate for every child with a disability. All provision will be on the basis of assessed need. Where it is agreed that the outcomes associated with such assessed needs may be made by means of personal budgets, including direct payments, then a personal budget will be put in place. It should be noted that personal budgets are also available in Adult Social Care therefore 18 - 25 year olds may continue to have a free-standing Adult social care personal budget but this could be aligned into a wider personal budget IF the young adult has an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Support and Contact Information
Personal budgets do not necessarily mean parents and young people having to handle finances themselves. For further information please contact the Short Breaks Team using the details below:
- Tel: 01302 737448
- Email: