This page is about Childcare Sufficiency in Doncaster.

What is Childcare Sufficiency

What duty do the local authority have to ensure there is sufficient childcare?

Part B of the Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance prescribes that local authorities are required by legislation to secure sufficient childcare, so far as is reasonably practicable, for working parents, or parents who are studying or training for employment, for children aged 0-14 (or up to 18 for disabled children).

How do the local authority ensure there is sufficient childcare?

Three times a year (once per term) we carry out an Occupancy Audit of childcare settings in Doncaster - this allows us to determine how many childcare places we currently have and where they are based. We also conduct an annual Childcare Needs Survey to help us understand the current and emerging childcare needs of families in our area. In addition to this, we work with our Families Information Service to find out where families are searching for childcare, the types of childcare they are looking for, etc. 

All of this work allows us to establish the childcare picture in Doncaster and this information feeds into the annual Childcare Sufficiency Assessment which we work towards, to ensure we have sufficient childcare places in Doncaster. 

What is a Childcare Sufficiency Assessment?

A Childcare Sufficiency Assessment measures the nature and extent of the demand and supply of childcare within a local authority area.  It identifies where there are gaps in the childcare market and informs a market management action plan to ensure there are sufficient childcare and early education places.  The government has set a number of factors, which can be regarded as the benchmark of sufficiency:

  • There are sufficient childcare places overall in each pyramid
  • Provision is flexible and accessible to fit in with working patterns
  • There is a range of childcare provision that is affordable and of a high quality

Please check the download section of this page to access Doncaster’s latest Childcare Sufficiency Assessment. 

What does childcare sufficiency mean?

Childcare sufficiency is not just about having the right number of childcare places to meet the needs of working and training parents, it is about ensuring: the provision is of a high quality; it improves the outcomes for children; narrows the gap in attainment; prepares children for school; and is inclusive and flexible to meet families’ needs.  The provision needs to ensure continuity of care and service by being a sustainable business with affordable fees.  A sufficient, sustainable, quality childcare market underpins the poverty agenda, supports local economic development and the Councils Starting Well Service early intervention and preventative strategies.

More Information

If you would like to discuss the childcare sufficiency within Doncaster please e-mail: 

If you require information to support you to find childcare within Doncaster please contact Doncaster Families information Service or use their online Childcare Finder.

Last updated: 11 February 2025 16:58:36

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