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SENDIAS - About Us
Doncaster SENDIAS provides FREE information, advice and support (IAS) to parents, carers, children and young people (0-25) in regards to Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support. This includes: advice on SEN provision in settings, the statutory assessment process and Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP). We can also help with issues including: school exclusions, transition, transport, dispute resolution and appeals to the Special Educational Needs Disability Tribunal (SENDIST).
How can SENDIAS support you?
On our website and social media pages, you can find lots of information about SEND. We have put together resources and links to other useful sources of information including local and national policies which are often asked about.
We understand that sometimes having access to information is not enough - you may want to discuss what you have read or been told about. We provide impartial information and advice about SEND law - we will help you get the information you need to make your own choices.
Occasionally, there are times when the information and advice we have provided is not enough because the range of issues that you are dealing with are complex, or you find it hard to communicate with others. In such instances, we can help you write letters, and fill out forms and reports; we can also support you in meetings until you are confident to proceed without our help.
We will always:
- Listen to you
- Explain the law and your rights in relation to Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
- Help you to feel confident to express your views, and make informed choices
- Offer information advice and support in relation to SEN Support Plans and the Education, the Health and Care Plan processes
- Help open up positive dialogue between you, schools, the LA, health and voluntary bodies
- Signpost you to support groups and other voluntary organisations
- Help when there are disagreements with school or the Council we can support you through dispute resolution, which includes mediation and appeals to the SEN and Disability Tribunal
Learn more about what SENDIAS does in video below.
All local SENDIAS services have minimum standards they have to follow.
Who can use the service?
- Young people from the age of 16 to the age of 25 years with special educational needs or disabilities
- Parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities
- Practitioners (who might be supporting children, young people or parents to access our service)
You can contact us even if you are not sure whether special educational needs is relevant to you - we may still be able to help.
Complete our online referral form for one of our officers to contact you and see how we can help.
What do we mean by confidential and impartial?
What you talk to us about is completely confidential, only our staff have access to this information and we only talk to other people with your consent.
Being impartial means that we offer unbiased information and advice about the local authority’s policies and procedures and about the policy and practice in local schools and other settings. Any information, advice or support that we give to you will always be based on the law and the SEND Code of Practice. By being impartial, we aim to help you have clear, accurate and relevant information that will help you to make decisions.
Annual Report
- SENDIAS Annual Report - 2022-23
- Download (457KB - PDF)
- SENDIAS Annual Report 23-24
- Download (930KB - PDF)
See our policies below:
- SENDIAS service charter August 2024
- Download (226KB - PDF)
- SENDIAS definition of advocacy August 2024
- Download (137KB - PDF)
- Safeguarding Policy updated August 2024
- Download (164KB - PDF)
- Impartiality Policy updated August 2024
- Download (132KB - PDF)
- Confidentiality Policy Updated August 2024
- Download (78KB - PDF)
- Complaints procedure Updated August 2024
- Download (57KB - PDF)
Contact us:
- Telephone: 01302 736920
- Email:
- Facebook:
You can also contact us by completing the online form below.
We are open Monday to Friday with the exception of bank holidays and Christmas. Office hours are:
- Monday - 9am until 5pm
- Tuesday - 9am until 5pm
- Wednesday - 9am until 5pm
- Thursday - 9am until 5pm
- Friday - 9am until 4pm
We will respond to all enquiries within a maximum of 3 working days.
Downloads & Resources
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